как бы можно и одной MEU2=MEU3
Но не все системы об этом знают.

We understand that you would like to know if holders of residence cards issued in accordance with Directive 2004/38 need to be accompanied by their EU family member in order to be able to travel to EU and Schengen countries without a visa.

We can confirm that the non-EU family member does not have to be accompanied by the EU family member. You can find this information here: https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/travel/entry-exit/non-eu-family/index_en.htm#residence-card-yes

You can also find this information in the Practical Handbook for Border Guards; a recommendation from the Commission, on page 24: https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2022-11/Practical%20handbook%20for%20border%20guards_en.pdf

We hope you find this information useful. Please contact us again if you have other questions about the European Union, its activities or institutions.

2025-03-21 20:23:08