Добрый вечер. Подскажите пожалуйста. Я являюсь гражданином страны Шенген. В случае превышения мной нахождения на Кипре больше 90 дней. Какие могут быть последствия?

2025-01-23 19:24:07

А для граждан ЕС есть требование по минимальному доходу для проживания на Кипре? По ссылке написано sufficient funds, но конкретных цифр как будто нет

2025-01-23 21:37:53



have sufficient resources for themselves and their family members not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the host Member State during their period of residence and have comprehensive sickness insurance cover in the host Member State;

4. Member States may not lay down a fixed amount which they regard as "sufficient resources" but they must take into account the personal situation of the person concerned. In all cases this amount shall not be higher than the threshold below which nationals of the host Member State become eligible for social assistance, or, where this criterion is not applicable, higher than the minimum social security pension paid by the host Member State.

2025-01-23 21:41:32