Я в КеПо это делала, когда там еще обслуживали по талонам)
Сейчас записаться нужно - https://kepo.cypruspost.post/v2/#book/location/4/count/1/provider/any/
Видимо, на вот эту услугу -
IT Services Department
The following services are provided for the IT Services Department:
User confirmation (natural or legal persons) in the "Ariadne" government online security portal
Сейчас записаться нужно - https://kepo.cypruspost.post/v2/#book/location/4/count/1/provider/any/
Видимо, на вот эту услугу -
IT Services Department
The following services are provided for the IT Services Department:
User confirmation (natural or legal persons) in the "Ariadne" government online security portal
2024-12-02 22:27:34