Добрый вечер! Я правильно понимаю, что если мы прилетаем с котом непосредственно 16 сентября, то уже попадаем под правило с титрами? И что будет если прилететь без титров, карантин?

2024-08-29 19:42:42

In relation to the abovementioned subject, we would like to inform you that, in case the dog /cat does not, in any way, comply with the provisions in force (e.g. time period for rabies antibody titration test) which govern the movement of pet animals from third countries to the European Union the relevant acts will be implemented.

This means that the dog will be subjected up to a six-month home quarantine.

Home Quarantine fees: 40.66 EUR per month (maximum quarantine period is six months)

The relevant inspection fees per animal :

Working hours (07:30-15:00): 42,72 euros

Non-working hours (15:00 and afterwards, weekends and holidays): 59,80 euros.

2024-08-29 19:45:53