CREATIVE TIME16 JULJULJULJULY!!! This is the 16th time we will meet at our favorite Wagmi Coffee! We look forward to seeing everyone! This Thursday, 4 July, we'll be hanging around after work! Creative Time - Regular meetings for community members in a free format, without speakers or presentations. You can expect a friendly atmosphere of urban jungle at Wagmi backyard, great music, and delicious drinks in the company of the most wonderful people on the island. ✖️ Where? 〰️ Wagmi Coffee ✏️ When? 〰️ 04.07 (Thursday) 19:00 📌 Calendar link
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2024-07-04 12:28:29

Пишите, если кто раньше придет. Я уже тут тусуюсь, на заднем дворе

2024-07-04 15:20:39