#vacancy #HRAdmin #recruiter #itrecruiter #fulltime #HRManager #office #onsite #Limassol
Позиция: IT HR Manager
Локация: Лимасол, офис/гибрид
Формат работы: full-time (полная занятость)
Ищем IT HR Manager-а в наш офис в Лимасоле:
Kuvelli — международный центр разработки AdTech-платформы.
Мы предлагаем:
- Комфортный офис в Лимасоле, график 5/2 с 10 до 19.00;
- Официальное трудоустройство, 100% официальная заработная плата;
- Полный соц. пакет (доплата до 100% оклада при отпускных и больничных);
- Систематизированная обратная связь от коллег и руководителя, система «тет-а-тетов» раз в квартал с руководителем;
- Корпоративные мероприятия и корпоративная культура, где главная ценность - это люди.
Пожелания к нашему будущему коллеге:
- Знание русского и английского языков;
- Опыт работы в сфере IT-рекрутинга;
- Знание техники проведения собеседований.
Основные задачи:
- Подбор персонала (IT&Digital) 60% времени, взаимодействие с внутренними клиентами, корректировка портрета кандидата, определение критериев поиска, проведение собеседований;
- Участие в построении и совершенствовании HR-процессов;
- Совершенствование системы адаптации новых сотрудников, проведение welcome-days;
- Развитие корпоративной культуры, повышение вовлеченности сотрудников;
- Участие в других HR-проектах;
- Сопровождение оформления и трудоустройства сотрудников в соответствии с местным законодательством (работа с подрядчиком).
Обещаем крутейшую команду единомышленников и просто хороших ребят, работающих в AdTech!
📩 Жду Ваши отклики в сообщения - @xmatanis 🤗
Позиция: IT HR Manager
Локация: Лимасол, офис/гибрид
Формат работы: full-time (полная занятость)
Ищем IT HR Manager-а в наш офис в Лимасоле:
Kuvelli — международный центр разработки AdTech-платформы.
Мы предлагаем:
- Комфортный офис в Лимасоле, график 5/2 с 10 до 19.00;
- Официальное трудоустройство, 100% официальная заработная плата;
- Полный соц. пакет (доплата до 100% оклада при отпускных и больничных);
- Систематизированная обратная связь от коллег и руководителя, система «тет-а-тетов» раз в квартал с руководителем;
- Корпоративные мероприятия и корпоративная культура, где главная ценность - это люди.
Пожелания к нашему будущему коллеге:
- Знание русского и английского языков;
- Опыт работы в сфере IT-рекрутинга;
- Знание техники проведения собеседований.
Основные задачи:
- Подбор персонала (IT&Digital) 60% времени, взаимодействие с внутренними клиентами, корректировка портрета кандидата, определение критериев поиска, проведение собеседований;
- Участие в построении и совершенствовании HR-процессов;
- Совершенствование системы адаптации новых сотрудников, проведение welcome-days;
- Развитие корпоративной культуры, повышение вовлеченности сотрудников;
- Участие в других HR-проектах;
- Сопровождение оформления и трудоустройства сотрудников в соответствии с местным законодательством (работа с подрядчиком).
Обещаем крутейшую команду единомышленников и просто хороших ребят, работающих в AdTech!
📩 Жду Ваши отклики в сообщения - @xmatanis 🤗
2025-01-31 06:03:50
#vacancy #cyprus #job #fulltime #headofsales
Привет! Мы - крутая и динамично развивающаяся команда Kuvelli. Мы создаем
и развиваем собственный IT-продукт в партнерстве с международными
лидерами рынка.
Наша платформа - это международный рекламный нетворк, предоставляющий
уникальные функции паблишерам и рекламодателям благодаря передовым
технологиям сбора и обработки информации о портретах и предпочтениях
посетителей интернет-ресурсов, которые позволяют подобрать идеальную пару
“пользователь - рекламодатель”, тем самым оптимизируя рекламные кампании
для достижения максимальной эффективности.
Сейчас мы ищем крутого Head of Sales - талантливого лидера, готового
возглавить наш департамент продаж.
💥 Основные обязанности:
● Разработка и реализация стратегии продаж: планомерное расширение
базы активных рекламодателей и партнеров, увеличение объемов
продаж трафика для достижения целевых показателей.
● Обеспечение слаженной работы отдела продаж с рекламодателями всех
уровней, оптимизация взаимодействия для достижения максимальной
● Анализ статистики и улучшение бизнес-процессов, способствующих
росту результативности и оптимизации затрат.
● Участие в разработке и внедрении долгосрочных планов развития
компании для достижения ее целей.
● Организация работы отдела продаж;
● Систематизация коммерческого и административного опыта, контроль за
наполнением базы знаний компании.
● Подбор и развитие команды:
● Контроль финансовых потоков и взаиморасчетов для минимизации
дебиторской задолженности, обеспечения стабильности и прозрачности.
● Участие в профильных конференциях для поддержания и расширения
профессиональных связей.
💥 Наши пожелания к кандидату:
● Опыт работы на аналогичной должности: Успешный опыт управления
командой продаж и реализация эффективных стратегий для достижения
и превышения целевых показателей.
● Глубокое знание рынка: Понимание специфики рынка интернет-трафика,
включая предпочтения СРА рекламодателей и особенности
● Аналитические навыки: Способность анализировать данные,
разрабатывать стратегии на основе аналитических выводов и оценивать
их эффективность для повышения результативности.
● Лидерские качества: Умение вдохновлять и мотивировать команду,
развивать потенциал сотрудников и быть примером для подражания.
● Навыки ведения переговоров: Отличные коммуникативные навыки и
способность уверенно вести переговоры на всех уровнях, выстраивать
долгосрочные отношения с партнерами и клиентами.
● Ориентированность на результат: Высокий уровень мотивации к
достижению и превышению целей, умение адаптировать подходы в
зависимости от изменений на рынке и потребностей компании.
● Знание CRM и других инструментов управления продажами: Опыт работы
с современными ERP/CRM системами и инструментами продаж для
организации эффективных бизнес-процессов.
● Профильное образование: Высшее образование в области маркетинга,
менеджмента, экономики или смежных дисциплин.
💥 Мы предлагаем:
● Официальное трудоустройство с первого дня работы
● Визовая поддержка со стороны компании
● Конкурентоспособная заработная плата, система премий по результатам
работы команды
● Регулярные performance review, систематический фидбек, прозрачные
возможности для роста и развития
● Полный соц. пакет (доплата до 100% оклада при отпускных и больничных)
● Изучение уникальных инструментов, продуктов и технологий
● Комфортный офис в Лимасоле
● Завтраки, закуски, кофе, чай, печеньки - само собой :)
Если вы обладаете опытом в управлении командой, владеете
инструментами мотивации и координации, а также способны эффективно
развивать клиентскую базу в рекламной сфере, мы ждем ваше резюме!
Присоединяйся к нашей команде, и вместе мы сделаем мир интернет-рекламы
еще более удобным и персонализированным!
📩For any details feel free to contact @kristin_hrm
Привет! Мы - крутая и динамично развивающаяся команда Kuvelli. Мы создаем
и развиваем собственный IT-продукт в партнерстве с международными
лидерами рынка.
Наша платформа - это международный рекламный нетворк, предоставляющий
уникальные функции паблишерам и рекламодателям благодаря передовым
технологиям сбора и обработки информации о портретах и предпочтениях
посетителей интернет-ресурсов, которые позволяют подобрать идеальную пару
“пользователь - рекламодатель”, тем самым оптимизируя рекламные кампании
для достижения максимальной эффективности.
Сейчас мы ищем крутого Head of Sales - талантливого лидера, готового
возглавить наш департамент продаж.
💥 Основные обязанности:
● Разработка и реализация стратегии продаж: планомерное расширение
базы активных рекламодателей и партнеров, увеличение объемов
продаж трафика для достижения целевых показателей.
● Обеспечение слаженной работы отдела продаж с рекламодателями всех
уровней, оптимизация взаимодействия для достижения максимальной
● Анализ статистики и улучшение бизнес-процессов, способствующих
росту результативности и оптимизации затрат.
● Участие в разработке и внедрении долгосрочных планов развития
компании для достижения ее целей.
● Организация работы отдела продаж;
● Систематизация коммерческого и административного опыта, контроль за
наполнением базы знаний компании.
● Подбор и развитие команды:
● Контроль финансовых потоков и взаиморасчетов для минимизации
дебиторской задолженности, обеспечения стабильности и прозрачности.
● Участие в профильных конференциях для поддержания и расширения
профессиональных связей.
💥 Наши пожелания к кандидату:
● Опыт работы на аналогичной должности: Успешный опыт управления
командой продаж и реализация эффективных стратегий для достижения
и превышения целевых показателей.
● Глубокое знание рынка: Понимание специфики рынка интернет-трафика,
включая предпочтения СРА рекламодателей и особенности
● Аналитические навыки: Способность анализировать данные,
разрабатывать стратегии на основе аналитических выводов и оценивать
их эффективность для повышения результативности.
● Лидерские качества: Умение вдохновлять и мотивировать команду,
развивать потенциал сотрудников и быть примером для подражания.
● Навыки ведения переговоров: Отличные коммуникативные навыки и
способность уверенно вести переговоры на всех уровнях, выстраивать
долгосрочные отношения с партнерами и клиентами.
● Ориентированность на результат: Высокий уровень мотивации к
достижению и превышению целей, умение адаптировать подходы в
зависимости от изменений на рынке и потребностей компании.
● Знание CRM и других инструментов управления продажами: Опыт работы
с современными ERP/CRM системами и инструментами продаж для
организации эффективных бизнес-процессов.
● Профильное образование: Высшее образование в области маркетинга,
менеджмента, экономики или смежных дисциплин.
💥 Мы предлагаем:
● Официальное трудоустройство с первого дня работы
● Визовая поддержка со стороны компании
● Конкурентоспособная заработная плата, система премий по результатам
работы команды
● Регулярные performance review, систематический фидбек, прозрачные
возможности для роста и развития
● Полный соц. пакет (доплата до 100% оклада при отпускных и больничных)
● Изучение уникальных инструментов, продуктов и технологий
● Комфортный офис в Лимасоле
● Завтраки, закуски, кофе, чай, печеньки - само собой :)
Если вы обладаете опытом в управлении командой, владеете
инструментами мотивации и координации, а также способны эффективно
развивать клиентскую базу в рекламной сфере, мы ждем ваше резюме!
Присоединяйся к нашей команде, и вместе мы сделаем мир интернет-рекламы
еще более удобным и персонализированным!
📩For any details feel free to contact @kristin_hrm
2025-01-29 14:31:28
#vacancy #android #Limassol #fulltime #андройд #cyprus
Exciting job opportunity in Limassol!
An innovative and rapidly growing investment firm is currently looking for a highly experienced Android Developer to join a team of professionals. This role presents a fantastic opportunity for an experienced developer to advance their career with one of the fastest-growing investment firms in Cyprus.
Some of the key responsibilities for this role include supporting and developing an existing application, designing and developing advanced Android applications, collaborating with UX/UI designers and backend developers, integrating new features using external APIs, writing clean and efficient code, and staying up-to-date with industry trends.
To be considered for this role, you should have 3-6 years of professional experience in Android development, proficiency in Kotlin and Java, experience with Git and WebSockets, understanding of various architectures and libraries, ability to work independently and pay attention to detail, and good communication skills in English.
In return, the company offers a great salary, good work-life balance, relocation package, accommodation expenses for the first month, international and caring culture, work-life balance, excellent benefits including paid vacations and medical insurance, and professional development opportunities.
If you're interested in this opportunity, please send your CV to [email protected] or tg @Tan_20244
Exciting job opportunity in Limassol!
An innovative and rapidly growing investment firm is currently looking for a highly experienced Android Developer to join a team of professionals. This role presents a fantastic opportunity for an experienced developer to advance their career with one of the fastest-growing investment firms in Cyprus.
Some of the key responsibilities for this role include supporting and developing an existing application, designing and developing advanced Android applications, collaborating with UX/UI designers and backend developers, integrating new features using external APIs, writing clean and efficient code, and staying up-to-date with industry trends.
To be considered for this role, you should have 3-6 years of professional experience in Android development, proficiency in Kotlin and Java, experience with Git and WebSockets, understanding of various architectures and libraries, ability to work independently and pay attention to detail, and good communication skills in English.
In return, the company offers a great salary, good work-life balance, relocation package, accommodation expenses for the first month, international and caring culture, work-life balance, excellent benefits including paid vacations and medical insurance, and professional development opportunities.
If you're interested in this opportunity, please send your CV to [email protected] or tg @Tan_20244
2025-01-29 14:30:19
#vacancy #cyprus #remote #Elixir #ElixirDeveloper
Role: Senior Elixir Developer
Company: Clain
Location: Limassol, hybrid working week
Remote: Full remote work from other locations is possible and discussed individually
Salary: from 5000 euro (net), discussed individually
We are hiring and looking for a talented Senior Elixir Developer who is passionate about crafting scalable, maintainable, and high-performance systems. The ideal candidate will have deep expertise in Elixir and it’s ecosystem and will play a crucial role in enhancing our existing applications and developing new cutting-edge projects.
Clain is building sophisticated analysis software that provides regulatory compliance for crypto related businesses and empowers forensic investigators with ingenious tools to detect and explore crypto-enabled crimes. We offer an ideal workplace for those who want to have a real impact on the growth of an organization and are craving responsibilities.
👉 What we offer:
- A chance to work with cool crypto compliance products and make a real impact on the business
- Relocation to Cyprus (Limassol) with employment and social guarantees in accordance with Cypriot law
- Flexible start of the working day and optionally hybrid working week
- Full remote work from other locations is possible and discussed individually
- Collaborative and supportive team atmosphere
- Direct and fast interaction with all stakeholders, as well as the possibility of direct cooperation with the founder, as with the ideological inspirer of Clain's products
👉Key Responsibilities:
- Design, build, and maintain efficient, reusable, and reliable Elixir code
- Ensure the best possible performance, quality, and responsiveness of the applications
- Integrate user-facing elements developed by front-end developers with server-side logic
- Identify bottlenecks and bugs, and devise solutions to these problems
- Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders in a cross-functional team environment
- Contribute to all phases of the development life cycle
- Proven experience using Elixir / Erlang in production for at least 3 years
- Solid understanding of the Elixir language and it’s supporting libraries
- Familiarity with the OTP framework, Phoenix, Ecto, and other Elixir community libraries
- Experience with concurrent programming and distributed systems
- Practical knowledge of relational databases and/or columnar databases like clickhouse
- Strong unit testing and debugging skills
- A passion for writing clean, modular, and maintainable code
- Have received a bachelor's degree in computer science or similar
- Experience with blockchain or crypto will be an advantage
Contact: Elena @elena_yank
Role: Senior Elixir Developer
Company: Clain
Location: Limassol, hybrid working week
Remote: Full remote work from other locations is possible and discussed individually
Salary: from 5000 euro (net), discussed individually
We are hiring and looking for a talented Senior Elixir Developer who is passionate about crafting scalable, maintainable, and high-performance systems. The ideal candidate will have deep expertise in Elixir and it’s ecosystem and will play a crucial role in enhancing our existing applications and developing new cutting-edge projects.
Clain is building sophisticated analysis software that provides regulatory compliance for crypto related businesses and empowers forensic investigators with ingenious tools to detect and explore crypto-enabled crimes. We offer an ideal workplace for those who want to have a real impact on the growth of an organization and are craving responsibilities.
👉 What we offer:
- A chance to work with cool crypto compliance products and make a real impact on the business
- Relocation to Cyprus (Limassol) with employment and social guarantees in accordance with Cypriot law
- Flexible start of the working day and optionally hybrid working week
- Full remote work from other locations is possible and discussed individually
- Collaborative and supportive team atmosphere
- Direct and fast interaction with all stakeholders, as well as the possibility of direct cooperation with the founder, as with the ideological inspirer of Clain's products
👉Key Responsibilities:
- Design, build, and maintain efficient, reusable, and reliable Elixir code
- Ensure the best possible performance, quality, and responsiveness of the applications
- Integrate user-facing elements developed by front-end developers with server-side logic
- Identify bottlenecks and bugs, and devise solutions to these problems
- Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders in a cross-functional team environment
- Contribute to all phases of the development life cycle
- Proven experience using Elixir / Erlang in production for at least 3 years
- Solid understanding of the Elixir language and it’s supporting libraries
- Familiarity with the OTP framework, Phoenix, Ecto, and other Elixir community libraries
- Experience with concurrent programming and distributed systems
- Practical knowledge of relational databases and/or columnar databases like clickhouse
- Strong unit testing and debugging skills
- A passion for writing clean, modular, and maintainable code
- Have received a bachelor's degree in computer science or similar
- Experience with blockchain or crypto will be an advantage
Contact: Elena @elena_yank
2025-01-30 17:28:22
#vacancy #cyprus #remote #ML #DataScience #LLM #NLP
Role: Lead ML Engineer (ML, NLP, LLM)
Company: Clain
Location: Limassol, hybrid working week or remote
Salary: from 7000 euro, discussed individually
We are expanding our DS team again and are looking for a talented Lead ML Engineer to join our international team and take part in groundbreaking projects that define the blockchain industry.
Clain is building sophisticated analysis software that provides regulatory compliance for crypto related businesses and empowersforensic investigators with ingenious tools to detect and explore crypto-enabled crimes. We offer an ideal workplace for those who wantto have a real impact on the growth of an organization and are
craving responsibilities.
What we offer:
- A chance to work with cool crypto compliance products and make a real impact on the business
- Powerful server hardware (from 32 CPUs and 256Gb RAM) for work and experiments
- Petabytes of on-chain data and gigabytes of off-chain data: tabular data, json, texts and even pictures
- Relocation to Cyprus (Limassol) with employment and social guarantees in accordance with Cypriot law (the possibility of fully remote work depends on the location and is discussed individually)
- Flexible start of the working day and optionally hybrid working week
- Collaborative and supportive team atmosphere
Key Responsibilities:
- Research, design, develop, and deploy machine learning models
- Implement and maintain MLOps infrastructure, including CI/CD pipelines for ML
- Develop and enhance LLM for various NLP tasks
- Stay abreast of the latest developments in NLP and LLM research to continuously innovate and apply best practices to our products.
- Provide technical guidance and mentorship to team members
- 5+ years of experience in machine learning engineering and MLOps, with a focus on classic ML and LLM solutions.
- Proven experience with tech stack: Python; SQL; ML: TensorFlow or PyTorch, scikit-learn; MLOps: Airflow, MLflow; NLP: transformers, LLM, NLU, Langchain; containerization and orchestration tools: Docker, Kubernetes; version control systems (e.g., Git) and CI/CD pipelines
- Experience as ML researcher (publications on arxiv are preferable)
- Strong knowledge of data structures, algorithms, and software design principles
- Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, or a related field
- Intermediate English for communication in the international team
It will be a plus:
- Familiar with the principles of Blockchain technology
- PhD degree and publications
Contact us: tg @elena_yank
Role: Lead ML Engineer (ML, NLP, LLM)
Company: Clain
Location: Limassol, hybrid working week or remote
Salary: from 7000 euro, discussed individually
We are expanding our DS team again and are looking for a talented Lead ML Engineer to join our international team and take part in groundbreaking projects that define the blockchain industry.
Clain is building sophisticated analysis software that provides regulatory compliance for crypto related businesses and empowersforensic investigators with ingenious tools to detect and explore crypto-enabled crimes. We offer an ideal workplace for those who wantto have a real impact on the growth of an organization and are
craving responsibilities.
What we offer:
- A chance to work with cool crypto compliance products and make a real impact on the business
- Powerful server hardware (from 32 CPUs and 256Gb RAM) for work and experiments
- Petabytes of on-chain data and gigabytes of off-chain data: tabular data, json, texts and even pictures
- Relocation to Cyprus (Limassol) with employment and social guarantees in accordance with Cypriot law (the possibility of fully remote work depends on the location and is discussed individually)
- Flexible start of the working day and optionally hybrid working week
- Collaborative and supportive team atmosphere
Key Responsibilities:
- Research, design, develop, and deploy machine learning models
- Implement and maintain MLOps infrastructure, including CI/CD pipelines for ML
- Develop and enhance LLM for various NLP tasks
- Stay abreast of the latest developments in NLP and LLM research to continuously innovate and apply best practices to our products.
- Provide technical guidance and mentorship to team members
- 5+ years of experience in machine learning engineering and MLOps, with a focus on classic ML and LLM solutions.
- Proven experience with tech stack: Python; SQL; ML: TensorFlow or PyTorch, scikit-learn; MLOps: Airflow, MLflow; NLP: transformers, LLM, NLU, Langchain; containerization and orchestration tools: Docker, Kubernetes; version control systems (e.g., Git) and CI/CD pipelines
- Experience as ML researcher (publications on arxiv are preferable)
- Strong knowledge of data structures, algorithms, and software design principles
- Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, or a related field
- Intermediate English for communication in the international team
It will be a plus:
- Familiar with the principles of Blockchain technology
- PhD degree and publications
Contact us: tg @elena_yank
2025-01-29 14:30:19
#vacancy #Cyprus #Accountant #Junior+
Hola! Mexican fintech Plata Card is looking for a Junior/Junior+ Accountant who join our Finance team on Cyprus.
Challenges that await you:
• Support the payroll process and stay updated on Cypriot regulations in this area
• Record and manage invoices and receipts
• Prepare bank and creditor reconciliations
• Process payments and accurately match them with open items
• Assist in posting and processing journal entries within the accounting system
What makes you a great fit:
• Previous experience in accounting or finance. Experience in a BIG4 company is a plus
• Strong analytical skills with the ability to handle sensitive information responsibly
• Proficiency in Excel
• Basic understanding of Cypriot taxation
• Native Russian language skills
• English language proficiency at B1 level or higher to communicate effectively with an international team
Your Bonus Skills:
• Knowledge of Greek is an advantage
Our ways of working:
• Innovative Spirit: A commitment to creativity and groundbreaking solutions
• Honest Feedback: valuing open, transparent communication
• Supportive Team: a strong, collaborative community
• Celebrating Achievements: recognizing our wins together
• High-Tech Environment: a team full of smart and revolutionary people who date to challenge the status quo of incumbent finances
✨Our benefits:
• Full visa & permit support to the employee and family
• Flexible work from one of our offices or remote
• Healthcare Coverage
• Education Budget: Language lessons, professional training and certifications
• Wellness Budget: Mental health and fitness activity reimbursements
• Vacation policy: 20 days of annual leave and paid sick leave
📩For any details feel free to contact - @anya_vers
Hola! Mexican fintech Plata Card is looking for a Junior/Junior+ Accountant who join our Finance team on Cyprus.
Challenges that await you:
• Support the payroll process and stay updated on Cypriot regulations in this area
• Record and manage invoices and receipts
• Prepare bank and creditor reconciliations
• Process payments and accurately match them with open items
• Assist in posting and processing journal entries within the accounting system
What makes you a great fit:
• Previous experience in accounting or finance. Experience in a BIG4 company is a plus
• Strong analytical skills with the ability to handle sensitive information responsibly
• Proficiency in Excel
• Basic understanding of Cypriot taxation
• Native Russian language skills
• English language proficiency at B1 level or higher to communicate effectively with an international team
Your Bonus Skills:
• Knowledge of Greek is an advantage
Our ways of working:
• Innovative Spirit: A commitment to creativity and groundbreaking solutions
• Honest Feedback: valuing open, transparent communication
• Supportive Team: a strong, collaborative community
• Celebrating Achievements: recognizing our wins together
• High-Tech Environment: a team full of smart and revolutionary people who date to challenge the status quo of incumbent finances
✨Our benefits:
• Full visa & permit support to the employee and family
• Flexible work from one of our offices or remote
• Healthcare Coverage
• Education Budget: Language lessons, professional training and certifications
• Wellness Budget: Mental health and fitness activity reimbursements
• Vacation policy: 20 days of annual leave and paid sick leave
📩For any details feel free to contact - @anya_vers
2025-01-29 14:30:19
#vacancy #job #fulltime #Nicosia #Cyprus #FrontendDeveloper
We are hiring! 👋 Wrike is looking for skilled Frontend Engineers to join our teams in Cyprus
Wrike is looking for to join our team in:
👨🏻💻 Work on a modern web SaaS product, used by Google, Greenpeace and 20k+ other companies
👁 Focus straight on development not the infrastructure
💪 Develop your skills, not only the product
🙌🏼 Have an autonomy in decision making
If you enjoy working with a diverse group of super friendly, collaborative people, we’d love to hear from you!
Learn more and apply here: bit.ly/3DHd36d
For any questions please reach out to [email protected]
We are hiring! 👋 Wrike is looking for skilled Frontend Engineers to join our teams in Cyprus
Wrike is looking for to join our team in:
👨🏻💻 Work on a modern web SaaS product, used by Google, Greenpeace and 20k+ other companies
👁 Focus straight on development not the infrastructure
💪 Develop your skills, not only the product
🙌🏼 Have an autonomy in decision making
If you enjoy working with a diverse group of super friendly, collaborative people, we’d love to hear from you!
Learn more and apply here: bit.ly/3DHd36d
For any questions please reach out to [email protected]
2025-01-29 14:30:19
#vacancy #ios #limassol #работа #fulltime #relocation
An innovative investment firm is looking for an experienced iOS Developer.
This role offers a great chance to further your career with one of the fastest-growing firms in Cyprus. Responsibilities include supporting and developing an existing application, designing and building advanced IOS applications, collaborating with teams, and more. Requirements include 3-6 years of experience in iOS development, proficiency in Swift, and experience with Git and WebSockets. Experience with SciCharts charts is a plus. The perks of this opportunity include a great salary, good work-life balance, relocation package, accommodation expenses covered (1st month), and more. This is a fantastic chance to grow your career in a dynamic and international environment. I encourage you to consider this opportunity and send over your CV to [email protected] or tg @Tan_20244
An innovative investment firm is looking for an experienced iOS Developer.
This role offers a great chance to further your career with one of the fastest-growing firms in Cyprus. Responsibilities include supporting and developing an existing application, designing and building advanced IOS applications, collaborating with teams, and more. Requirements include 3-6 years of experience in iOS development, proficiency in Swift, and experience with Git and WebSockets. Experience with SciCharts charts is a plus. The perks of this opportunity include a great salary, good work-life balance, relocation package, accommodation expenses covered (1st month), and more. This is a fantastic chance to grow your career in a dynamic and international environment. I encourage you to consider this opportunity and send over your CV to [email protected] or tg @Tan_20244
2025-01-29 14:30:19
#vacancy #remote #fulltime #seo #удаленно #работа #limassol
Location: Remote (Full time) or On-site in Limassol
We are looking for a driven, motivated SEO specialist (Middle). This represents an excellent opportunity for SEO-specialist to further develop their career with one of the fast-growing investment firms.
Required work experience: 1-3 years
What are you going to do:
- Working with links
- Compilation and clustering of the semantic core
- Generate template/manual tags (title, h1) and meta tags (description)
- Preparation of technical specifications for copywriters and programmers
- Information research
- Site audits
- Analysis of search results and competitors
- Monitoring organic traffic, positions, trends
- English language level not lower than B1
- Commercial experience in SEO
- Good perseverance and concentration on routine tasks
- Attentiveness and accuracy
- Knowledge of Excel/Google Sheets
- Knowledge of SEO services and programs
It will be a plus:
- Experience working with websites in the Fintech and Crypto niches
- Knowledge of additional foreign languages other than English
- Ability and experience working with neural networks (ChatGPT, Gemini, etc.)
What we offer:
- Meaningful and interesting work along with a competitive salary and good work-life balance
- Relocation package: We cover expenses related to the relocation for you and your family and support you through the entire process
- Cover expenses for accommodation:1st month
- Market Competitive Salaries and Compensations: Attractive remuneration package, plus a 13th-month salary
- International and caring culture: We are a group of people from different cultures and backgrounds
- Work-Life Balance: The company prioritizes work-life balance, so we offer 10 days/year of work from home
- Excellent Benefits: We provide our employees with 20 days of paid vacation (plus 1 extra day birthday leave) and holidays, sick leaves and medical insurance
- Professional Development: We offer training and development opportunities for our employees
Please tg @Tan_20244 or send your CV to [email protected]
Location: Remote (Full time) or On-site in Limassol
We are looking for a driven, motivated SEO specialist (Middle). This represents an excellent opportunity for SEO-specialist to further develop their career with one of the fast-growing investment firms.
Required work experience: 1-3 years
What are you going to do:
- Working with links
- Compilation and clustering of the semantic core
- Generate template/manual tags (title, h1) and meta tags (description)
- Preparation of technical specifications for copywriters and programmers
- Information research
- Site audits
- Analysis of search results and competitors
- Monitoring organic traffic, positions, trends
- English language level not lower than B1
- Commercial experience in SEO
- Good perseverance and concentration on routine tasks
- Attentiveness and accuracy
- Knowledge of Excel/Google Sheets
- Knowledge of SEO services and programs
It will be a plus:
- Experience working with websites in the Fintech and Crypto niches
- Knowledge of additional foreign languages other than English
- Ability and experience working with neural networks (ChatGPT, Gemini, etc.)
What we offer:
- Meaningful and interesting work along with a competitive salary and good work-life balance
- Relocation package: We cover expenses related to the relocation for you and your family and support you through the entire process
- Cover expenses for accommodation:1st month
- Market Competitive Salaries and Compensations: Attractive remuneration package, plus a 13th-month salary
- International and caring culture: We are a group of people from different cultures and backgrounds
- Work-Life Balance: The company prioritizes work-life balance, so we offer 10 days/year of work from home
- Excellent Benefits: We provide our employees with 20 days of paid vacation (plus 1 extra day birthday leave) and holidays, sick leaves and medical insurance
- Professional Development: We offer training and development opportunities for our employees
Please tg @Tan_20244 or send your CV to [email protected]
2025-01-29 14:30:19
#vacancy #larnaka
Join Smarter as a Senior Recruiter in Cyprus! 🌐
We’re looking for a recruitment expert with 5+ years of experience to join our team in the Cyprus office. If you have a proven track record in full-cycle recruitment, sourcing top talent, and successfully closing senior-level positions, we’d love to hear from you!
Become part of a progressive team and make an impact. Apply now- bit.ly/4aARMat 🌟
Join Smarter as a Senior Recruiter in Cyprus! 🌐
We’re looking for a recruitment expert with 5+ years of experience to join our team in the Cyprus office. If you have a proven track record in full-cycle recruitment, sourcing top talent, and successfully closing senior-level positions, we’d love to hear from you!
Become part of a progressive team and make an impact. Apply now- bit.ly/4aARMat 🌟
2025-01-29 14:30:19
#vacancy #job #fulltime #Cyprus #Limassol
🌟 The Island Private School of Limassol is seeking a Digital Marketing Manager
The successful candidate will be responsible for executing our digital marketing strategy, setting up and optimising advertising campaigns, SEO website optimization. Knowledge of Greek and Russian will be considered a significant advantage. The role requires a hands-on approach to digital marketing, including direct management of advertising campaigns in Facebook Ads Manager.
✅ Responsibilities:
- Preparation and implementation of a digital marketing strategy;
- Execute and manage advertising campaigns in alignment with the school's marketing strategy, with a focus on digital platforms;
- Preparation and analysis of campaign reports;
- Monitor and respond to customer reviews across various platforms, ensuring a positive school reputation;
- Build and maintain relationships with influencers and bloggers to enhance brand awareness;
- Actively engage with external communities to foster partnerships and increase school presence;
- Develop and implement creative strategies for product promotion to reach and attract prospective parents and students.
✅ Qualifications:
- At least 2 years of experience in marketing;
- Experience in digital marketing, with specific experience in managing Facebook and Google advertising campaigns; SEO website optimization;
- Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities;
- Creativity and initiative in generating new marketing ideas;
- Knowledge of Greek and Russian is preferred but not essential.
✅ Benefits:
- A unique opportunity for a career in a fast-growing polysystemic school.
- Competitive remuneration package based on qualifications and experience.
- Referral Program.
- Modern & Professional Work Environment.
- Optional participation in the Company’s Group Medical Scheme.
- Opportunities to learn and develop yourself.
Please apply by the link https://isl.bamboohr.com/careers/149?source=aWQ9NDQ%3D
🌟 The Island Private School of Limassol is seeking a Digital Marketing Manager
The successful candidate will be responsible for executing our digital marketing strategy, setting up and optimising advertising campaigns, SEO website optimization. Knowledge of Greek and Russian will be considered a significant advantage. The role requires a hands-on approach to digital marketing, including direct management of advertising campaigns in Facebook Ads Manager.
✅ Responsibilities:
- Preparation and implementation of a digital marketing strategy;
- Execute and manage advertising campaigns in alignment with the school's marketing strategy, with a focus on digital platforms;
- Preparation and analysis of campaign reports;
- Monitor and respond to customer reviews across various platforms, ensuring a positive school reputation;
- Build and maintain relationships with influencers and bloggers to enhance brand awareness;
- Actively engage with external communities to foster partnerships and increase school presence;
- Develop and implement creative strategies for product promotion to reach and attract prospective parents and students.
✅ Qualifications:
- At least 2 years of experience in marketing;
- Experience in digital marketing, with specific experience in managing Facebook and Google advertising campaigns; SEO website optimization;
- Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities;
- Creativity and initiative in generating new marketing ideas;
- Knowledge of Greek and Russian is preferred but not essential.
✅ Benefits:
- A unique opportunity for a career in a fast-growing polysystemic school.
- Competitive remuneration package based on qualifications and experience.
- Referral Program.
- Modern & Professional Work Environment.
- Optional participation in the Company’s Group Medical Scheme.
- Opportunities to learn and develop yourself.
Please apply by the link https://isl.bamboohr.com/careers/149?source=aWQ9NDQ%3D
2025-01-28 15:32:57
#vacancy #вакансия #gamedev
Position: Senior QA Engineer
Company: X-FLOW
Location: Limassol (Office/Hybrid)
As a Senior QA Engineer, you will ensure a seamless user experience and high-quality in-app advertising through testing and optimization.
- Manual testing (Android/iOS) of ad monetization in mobile applications;
- Preparing and conducting releases;
- Detecting and documenting defects, working with a bug tracking system;
- Preparing test documentation and keeping it up to date;
- Ensuring product quality at all stages of production.
- 3+ years of experience in testing mobile applications/games;
- Experience in testing ad monetization in mobile applications (above basic level);
- Experience in testing in-app purchases;
- Experience in testing analytics (Firebase, Amplitude);
- Experience working with MMPs (Adjust, Appsflyer);
- Experience with Android Studio, Xcode, Charles, Postman;
- Basic level of SQL (nice to have);
- Analytical thinking, attention to detail, and ability to estimate task completion times;
- Proactivity and teamwork skills;
- Russian language - Upper Intermediate+.
What We Offer:
- Competitive salary;
- Flexible working hours and hybrid/office work options (Limassol);
- Benefits package (medical insurance, taxi reimbursement, breakfasts in the office);
- Opportunity to work with a talented and passionate team in a creative and dynamic environment;
- Career growth and professional development opportunities;
- A fun and inclusive company culture that celebrates diversity and creativity.
Send CV @nshakhtarina
Position: Senior QA Engineer
Company: X-FLOW
Location: Limassol (Office/Hybrid)
As a Senior QA Engineer, you will ensure a seamless user experience and high-quality in-app advertising through testing and optimization.
- Manual testing (Android/iOS) of ad monetization in mobile applications;
- Preparing and conducting releases;
- Detecting and documenting defects, working with a bug tracking system;
- Preparing test documentation and keeping it up to date;
- Ensuring product quality at all stages of production.
- 3+ years of experience in testing mobile applications/games;
- Experience in testing ad monetization in mobile applications (above basic level);
- Experience in testing in-app purchases;
- Experience in testing analytics (Firebase, Amplitude);
- Experience working with MMPs (Adjust, Appsflyer);
- Experience with Android Studio, Xcode, Charles, Postman;
- Basic level of SQL (nice to have);
- Analytical thinking, attention to detail, and ability to estimate task completion times;
- Proactivity and teamwork skills;
- Russian language - Upper Intermediate+.
What We Offer:
- Competitive salary;
- Flexible working hours and hybrid/office work options (Limassol);
- Benefits package (medical insurance, taxi reimbursement, breakfasts in the office);
- Opportunity to work with a talented and passionate team in a creative and dynamic environment;
- Career growth and professional development opportunities;
- A fun and inclusive company culture that celebrates diversity and creativity.
Send CV @nshakhtarina
2025-01-28 13:48:59
#vacancy #вакансия
Job Description: Auditor
Location: Limassol, Cyprus
Company: a firm based in Limassol, focusing on audit, accounting, advisory, tax and many more specialised services
Key Duties/ Responsibilities:
• Conducting assigned audit engagements successfully
• Execute any other duty and responsibility as assigned by the Management
• Perform other non-assurance engagements
• Preparation of Tax Returns
The successful candidate must have the following characteristics:
• Certified Public Accountant diploma - qualified
• At least 5 years’ working experience at audit department
• Excellent knowledge of English language
• Microsoft Excel professional skills
• Characteristics of integrity discreteness, trustworthiness and reliability
• Knowledge of Caseware Audit software will be considered an advantage.
Please send your CV to Irina at: [email protected]
Job Description: Auditor
Location: Limassol, Cyprus
Company: a firm based in Limassol, focusing on audit, accounting, advisory, tax and many more specialised services
Key Duties/ Responsibilities:
• Conducting assigned audit engagements successfully
• Execute any other duty and responsibility as assigned by the Management
• Perform other non-assurance engagements
• Preparation of Tax Returns
The successful candidate must have the following characteristics:
• Certified Public Accountant diploma - qualified
• At least 5 years’ working experience at audit department
• Excellent knowledge of English language
• Microsoft Excel professional skills
• Characteristics of integrity discreteness, trustworthiness and reliability
• Knowledge of Caseware Audit software will be considered an advantage.
Please send your CV to Irina at: [email protected]
2025-01-28 13:48:59
#Vacancy #Limassol #Cyprus
😍 Advertising Team Leader
⭐️ Centro
@alenafartushna 📩
😍 Advertising Team Leader
⭐️ Centro
@alenafartushna 📩
2025-01-28 13:48:59
#vacancy #job #fulltime #remote #Limassol #Cyprus #BackendDeveloper
🧑💻👩💻Company in Limassol 🧑💻👩💻
🔍Looking for: Senior Backend Developer (.NET)
🧩Design and implement services architecture
🧩Create, maintain, and evolve backend services, API methods, and WSS streams for the company's apps and web services
🧩Develop integrations with third-party systems
🧩Collaborate with the product manager, backend developers, designers, and other stakeholders on requirements review, suggest solutions, and estimate efforts to build user-friendly applications
🧩Write clean, scalable, and well-documented code
🧩Write unit tests and create test cases for QA engineers for E2E and integration tests. Plan load testing
✅Proficiency in database architecture and operations (Postgres, Oracle, or MySQL)
✅Experience in any NoSQL DB (e.g., MongoDB)
✅Experience with third-party libraries and APIs
✅Version control systems such as Git/GitHub
✅Good understanding of Agile development best practices
✅Experience with Jira and Confluence
📩Send me your CV at @christinakami
🧑💻👩💻Company in Limassol 🧑💻👩💻
🔍Looking for: Senior Backend Developer (.NET)
🧩Design and implement services architecture
🧩Create, maintain, and evolve backend services, API methods, and WSS streams for the company's apps and web services
🧩Develop integrations with third-party systems
🧩Collaborate with the product manager, backend developers, designers, and other stakeholders on requirements review, suggest solutions, and estimate efforts to build user-friendly applications
🧩Write clean, scalable, and well-documented code
🧩Write unit tests and create test cases for QA engineers for E2E and integration tests. Plan load testing
✅Proficiency in database architecture and operations (Postgres, Oracle, or MySQL)
✅Experience in any NoSQL DB (e.g., MongoDB)
✅Experience with third-party libraries and APIs
✅Version control systems such as Git/GitHub
✅Good understanding of Agile development best practices
✅Experience with Jira and Confluence
📩Send me your CV at @christinakami
2025-01-28 13:48:59
#vacancy #job #fulltime #remote #Limassol #Cyprus #QA Automation (SDET)
🧑💻👩💻Company in Limassol 🧑💻👩💻
🔍Looking for: QA Automation (SDET)
🧩Perform testing to validate software functionality and requirements
🧩Ability to clearly define the essence of the found issues
🧩Understanding how backend and frontend teams work, to understand project requirements and ensure test coverage
🧩Design and maintain test environments, and test data
🧩Continuously improve testing processes and methodologies
🧩Stay updated with industry best practices and emerging trends in software testing
✅Strong knowledge of software testing methodologies, tools and processes
✅Proficiency in both manual and automated testing
✅Experience with E2E testing for web such as Cypress (Must)
✅Experience with E2E testing for mobile such as Appium + JS (Must)
✅Solid understanding of software development life cycle (SDLC) and agile methodologies
✅Understanding of API testing, experience with Postman or other API tool
📩Send me your CV at @christinakami
🧑💻👩💻Company in Limassol 🧑💻👩💻
🔍Looking for: QA Automation (SDET)
🧩Perform testing to validate software functionality and requirements
🧩Ability to clearly define the essence of the found issues
🧩Understanding how backend and frontend teams work, to understand project requirements and ensure test coverage
🧩Design and maintain test environments, and test data
🧩Continuously improve testing processes and methodologies
🧩Stay updated with industry best practices and emerging trends in software testing
✅Strong knowledge of software testing methodologies, tools and processes
✅Proficiency in both manual and automated testing
✅Experience with E2E testing for web such as Cypress (Must)
✅Experience with E2E testing for mobile such as Appium + JS (Must)
✅Solid understanding of software development life cycle (SDLC) and agile methodologies
✅Understanding of API testing, experience with Postman or other API tool
📩Send me your CV at @christinakami
2025-01-28 13:48:59
#vacancy #frontend #nicosia #relocation
Hi Frontend guys! Wrike is looking for Senior/Staff Frontend Engineer to Frontend Internal team, to work on React Frontend architecture and performance, security, code and application metrics, as well as developer experience, tooling, and process automations.
Expected experience in:
- optimizing performance of web applications
- designing microfrontend based applications
- using React, Webpack, Redux
- Hybrid schedule - 2-3 days/week in our cosy office in Nicosia
- For additional details see job description below
Apply here: https://grnh.se/3abdf2545us
Hi Frontend guys! Wrike is looking for Senior/Staff Frontend Engineer to Frontend Internal team, to work on React Frontend architecture and performance, security, code and application metrics, as well as developer experience, tooling, and process automations.
Expected experience in:
- optimizing performance of web applications
- designing microfrontend based applications
- using React, Webpack, Redux
- Hybrid schedule - 2-3 days/week in our cosy office in Nicosia
- For additional details see job description below
Apply here: https://grnh.se/3abdf2545us
2025-01-28 13:48:59
#vacancy #publisher #teamleader
Hello everyone!
📣We at Centro Holding continue to expand our publishing department. We`re looking for:
🚀 Team Lear of publishers managers
🌴Location: CY office or remote
Employment Type: full-time position
Centro (Ortnec) offers to join our ad-Network that connects Publishers with the biggest Advertisers in the industry.
We offer: base salary+bonuses for results, medical insurance, paid vacation days, sick leaves , personal days and othres.
Apply for the position: http://surl.li/fdkuop
If you want to be a part of a modern and driving team, send your CV or write me:
📧 TG: @Iana_CT
We look forward to receiving your application!
Hello everyone!
📣We at Centro Holding continue to expand our publishing department. We`re looking for:
🚀 Team Lear of publishers managers
🌴Location: CY office or remote
Employment Type: full-time position
Centro (Ortnec) offers to join our ad-Network that connects Publishers with the biggest Advertisers in the industry.
We offer: base salary+bonuses for results, medical insurance, paid vacation days, sick leaves , personal days and othres.
Apply for the position: http://surl.li/fdkuop
If you want to be a part of a modern and driving team, send your CV or write me:
📧 TG: @Iana_CT
We look forward to receiving your application!
2025-01-28 13:48:58
#vacancy #вакансия #Limassol #retention #fulltime
Локация: Кипр, Лимассол (офис)
Всем привет! 👋
Мы находимся в поиске Retention Manager в iGaming компанию.
1. Разработка и реализация стратегий для удержания игроков с целью увеличения их вовлеченности и уменьшения оттока;
2. Применение аналитических данных для создания индивидуальных предложений и вознаграждений для игроков;
3. Мониторинг и оптимизация ключевых показателей эффективности, таких как уровень удержания, отток клиентов и жизненная ценность (LTV);
4. Эффективное взаимодействие со всеми командами.
1. Опыт на релевантной позиции не менее года в сфере iGaming;
2. Аналитические навыки и мышление;
3. Отличные коммуникативные навыки и умение работать в команде;
4. Английский B2+.
Что мы предлагаем:
1. Работа в уютном офисе;
2. Корпоративные завтраки и обеды;
3. График 5/2 (суббота, воскресенье - выходные);
4. Гибкое начало с 8 до 11 часов;
5. Конкурентная заработная плата, определяемая по итогам собеседования;
6. Предоставление всех необходимых инструментов для работы.
Контакт для связи: @Elena_HR1
Локация: Кипр, Лимассол (офис)
Всем привет! 👋
Мы находимся в поиске Retention Manager в iGaming компанию.
1. Разработка и реализация стратегий для удержания игроков с целью увеличения их вовлеченности и уменьшения оттока;
2. Применение аналитических данных для создания индивидуальных предложений и вознаграждений для игроков;
3. Мониторинг и оптимизация ключевых показателей эффективности, таких как уровень удержания, отток клиентов и жизненная ценность (LTV);
4. Эффективное взаимодействие со всеми командами.
1. Опыт на релевантной позиции не менее года в сфере iGaming;
2. Аналитические навыки и мышление;
3. Отличные коммуникативные навыки и умение работать в команде;
4. Английский B2+.
Что мы предлагаем:
1. Работа в уютном офисе;
2. Корпоративные завтраки и обеды;
3. График 5/2 (суббота, воскресенье - выходные);
4. Гибкое начало с 8 до 11 часов;
5. Конкурентная заработная плата, определяемая по итогам собеседования;
6. Предоставление всех необходимых инструментов для работы.
Контакт для связи: @Elena_HR1
2025-01-29 08:43:38
#vacancy #вакансия #Cyprus #Кипр #payment_analyst #analyst
Вакансия: Аналитик данных в сфере платежей
Компания: IBIT LTD
Локация: Лимасол, Кипр
Занятость: полная
Формат: офис, гибкий график
Трудоустройство: официальное
Для чего:
Ваши задачи будут включать поиск аномалий, настройку системы мониторинга, исследование рынка и поиск дополнительных решений для оплаты, а также анализ условий платежных провайдеров и выработку рекомендаций по оптимизации накладных расходов.
Чего мы ждем:
✅ Хорошие знания математической статистики и теории вероятности, включая анализ временных рядов;
✅ Опыт работы от 2-3 лет на позиции аналитика или data scientist, предпочтительно в сфере fintech;
✅ Хорошие знания SQL, опыт составления сложных аналитических запросов (подзапросы, оконные функции);
✅ Хорошие знания Python, включая библиотеки pandas и numpy, будет плюсом опыт работы с Django;
✅ Навыки data mining/scrapping/parsing, включая работу с большим количеством разнородных источников информации;
✅ Опыт работы с системой управления версиями Git;
✅ Самостоятельность и проактивность в исследованиях.
Будет плюсом:
— Опыт работы с BI системами, такими как Tableau, SuperSet, Grafana.
Мы помогаем кандидатам, не находящимся на Кипре, с релокацией, оформляем документы для вас и членов семьи, предоставляем жилье на 3 недели и релоцируем даже ваших питомцев :)
Контакт: Александра @leksdmiv. Буду рада ответить на ваши вопросы!
Вакансия: Аналитик данных в сфере платежей
Компания: IBIT LTD
Локация: Лимасол, Кипр
Занятость: полная
Формат: офис, гибкий график
Трудоустройство: официальное
Для чего:
Ваши задачи будут включать поиск аномалий, настройку системы мониторинга, исследование рынка и поиск дополнительных решений для оплаты, а также анализ условий платежных провайдеров и выработку рекомендаций по оптимизации накладных расходов.
Чего мы ждем:
✅ Хорошие знания математической статистики и теории вероятности, включая анализ временных рядов;
✅ Опыт работы от 2-3 лет на позиции аналитика или data scientist, предпочтительно в сфере fintech;
✅ Хорошие знания SQL, опыт составления сложных аналитических запросов (подзапросы, оконные функции);
✅ Хорошие знания Python, включая библиотеки pandas и numpy, будет плюсом опыт работы с Django;
✅ Навыки data mining/scrapping/parsing, включая работу с большим количеством разнородных источников информации;
✅ Опыт работы с системой управления версиями Git;
✅ Самостоятельность и проактивность в исследованиях.
Будет плюсом:
— Опыт работы с BI системами, такими как Tableau, SuperSet, Grafana.
Мы помогаем кандидатам, не находящимся на Кипре, с релокацией, оформляем документы для вас и членов семьи, предоставляем жилье на 3 недели и релоцируем даже ваших питомцев :)
Контакт: Александра @leksdmiv. Буду рада ответить на ваши вопросы!
2025-01-28 13:49:02