
CY IT HR Vacancy

#adtech #marketing #vacancy #job #Cyprus #Limassol #fulltime Привет! Kuvelli - это динамично развивающаяся команда, которая уже почти 10 лет создает и развивает собственный IT-продукт в партнерстве с международными лидерами рынка. Сам продукт - это международный рекламный нетворк, предоставляющий уникальные функции паблишерам и рекламодателям. Компания занимает стабильное положение среди передовых игроков в индустрии, десятки тысяч клиентов по всему миру ежедневно пользуются их решениями. В связи с расширением команды, наши партнеры ищут крутого CPM Account Manager, основными задачами которого будет: -Сопровождение клиентов: Обеспечение качественного обслуживания клиентов, поддержание с ними долгосрочных отношений и удовлетворение их потребностей. -Работа с данными и инструментами: Анализ данных и использование внутренних инструментов для улучшения рекламных кампаний и взаимодействия с клиентами. -Оптимизация рекламных кампаний: Изучение текущих кампаний, внесение изменений для улучшения их показателей, подготовка рекомендации клиентам. -Решение финансовых вопросов: Обсуждение бюджета и платежей, контроль за своевременностью оплат. -Сообщение о багах и недочетах: Сбор информации о выявленных ошибках в системе, передача ошибок для устранения. -Взаимодействие с другими отделами: Работа вместе с командами продаж, маркетинга, разработки и поддержки для обеспечения полного обслуживания клиентов. Функции: -Взаимодействие с клиентами: Регулярно общаться с клиентами, выяснять их потребности и помогать решать возникающие вопросы. -Развитие клиентского портфеля: Увеличивать количество клиентов и объем продаж, развивая отношения с существующими клиентами и привлекая новых. Требования: -Уровень английского B1 и выше: Уметь общаться на английском языке. -Опыт работы в продажах: Будет плюсом. Компания предлагает: -Официальное трудоустройство с первого дня работы -Визовая поддержка со стороны компании -Конкурентоспособная заработная плата, система премий по результатам работы -Регулярные performance review, индивидуальный план развития, систематический фидбек, прозрачные возможности для роста и развития -Полный соц. пакет (доплата до 100% оклада при отпускных и больничных) -Корпоративная техника -Изучение уникальных инструментов, продуктов и технологий -Работа с собственным продуктом, прямые рекламодатели и издатели -Начало рабочего дня с 10.00-11:00, 9-ти часовой рабочий день с учетом часа на обеденный перерыв -Комфортный офис в Лимасоле -Завтраки, закуски, кофе, чай, печеньки - само собой :) -Действительно чудесный коллектив, работа в команде профессионалов, где каждый вклад ценится и поощряется -Богатая корпоративная культура и корпоративные мероприятия Присоединяйся к нашей команде, и вместе мы сделаем мир интернет-рекламы еще более удобным и персонализированным! Контакт для связи: @christina_galustyan

2024-07-19 07:20:41

#vacancy #вакансия #Limassol #fulltime #PHP #QA Brainsome, one of top-tier and trendsetting leaders in online customer acquisition, is a trailblazer in digital solutions, exclusively focusing on the US market with cutting-edge technologies and data-driven strategies. We cultivate a dynamic, creative work environment, empowering our team to be at the forefront of global market innovation. Right now, we're looking for: 📌 PHP Developer (office/relocate) 📌 Accountant (office) 📌 Administrative Manager (office) 📌 QA (office) 📌 Recruitment Officer (office) 📌 Conversion Growth Manager (office) 💫 All our vacancies are here 💫 Send CV on email: [email protected]

2024-07-18 11:37:55

#vacancy #remote #Cyprus #Product #igaming An IT holding company specializing in products for online casinos and betting platforms, encompasses multiple entities operating in both B2B and B2C markets, with a focus on arbitrage traffic Vacancy - Product Owner Location: Remote English level – В2+ ✅Duties: to develop and manage product lifecycle strategies within the online casino sector. ✅Must have: - Experience in online casinos or related industries - Deep understanding of arbitrage processes and working with CPA networks - Experience in participating in preparing and launching products(projects) from scratch - Betting platforms (S2C and B2B) - Analytical mindset and team-oriented approach ➡️Мore information @Helen_Yurovska

2024-07-18 11:23:42

#adtech #marketing #vacancy #job #Cyprus #Limassol #fulltime Привет! Мы - крутая и динамично развивающаяся команда Kuvelli и уже почти 10 лет мы создаем и развиваем собственный IT-продукт в партнерстве с международными лидерами рынка. Наша платформа - это международный рекламный нетворк, предоставляющий уникальные функции паблишерам и рекламодателям благодаря передовым технологиям сбора и обработки информации о портретах и предпочтениях посетителей интернет-ресурсов, которые позволяют подобрать идеальную пару “пользователь - рекламодатель”, тем самым оптимизируя рекламные кампании для достижения максимальной эффективности. Мы занимаем стабильное положение среди передовых игроков в индустрии, десятки тысяч клиентов по всему миру ежедневно пользуются нашими решениями, чтобы максимизировать свои рекламные бюджеты и увеличивать свои доходы. 🖥 В связи с расширением команды мы ищем крутого CPA Manager, основными задачами которого будет: - Запуск, оптимизация и масштабирование рекламных кампаний - Развитие текущих клиентов в связке с Account Manager'ом, адаптация рекламных кампаний в соответствии с запросами клиентов - Анализ статистики кампаний для оценки их эффективности, внесение корректировок на основе полученных данных - Подготовка и представление отчетов по результатам кампаний - Поиск и создание новых креативов для кампаний, взаимодействие с дизайнерами для реализации креативных концепций - Участие в проектных задачах CPA отдела 🖥 Наши пожелания к кандидату: - Знание и понимание рынка интернет-рекламы, опыт запуска и оптимизации рекламных кампаний - Опыт работы с Media Buy/арбитражным рынком или на аналогичной должности - будет большим плюсом - Уверенное владение английским языком в письменной форме - Способность к быстрому обучению, креативность, аналитическое мышление и внимательность к деталям - Умение работать как в команде, так и самостоятельно 🖥 Мы предлагаем: - Официальное трудоустройство с первого дня работы - Визовая поддержка со стороны компании - Конкурентоспособная заработная плата, система премий по результатам работы - Регулярные performance review, индивидуальный план развития, систематический фидбек, прозрачные возможности для роста и развития - Полный соц. пакет (доплата до 100% оклада при отпускных и больничных) - Корпоративная техника - Изучение уникальных инструментов, продуктов и технологий - Работа с собственным продуктом, прямые рекламодатели и издатели - Начало рабочего дня с 10.00-11:00, 9-ти часовой рабочий день с учетом часа на обеденный перерыв - Комфортный офис в Лимасоле - Завтраки, закуски, кофе, чай, печеньки - само собой :) - Действительно чудесный коллектив, работа в команде профессионалов, где каждый вклад ценится и поощряется - Богатая корпоративная культура и корпоративные мероприятия Присоединяйся к нашей команде, и вместе мы сделаем мир интернет-рекламы еще более удобным и персонализированным! Контакт для связи: @dianehr

2024-07-18 11:23:27

#vacancy #data #analytics #dataengineer #limassol #remote 🧑‍💻Role: Data Engineer 🇨🇾 Location: Limassol 🕘Job type: Full-time 👍Experience: middle+/senior The company ALMUS creates its own mobile applications, that are popular with millions of users around the world. 📋 Key Responsibilities: 1) Airflow Optimization: - Evaluate and improve the performance and reliability of Apache Airflow workflows. - Develop and maintain Airflow DAGs to automate data pipelines. - Ensure efficient scheduling and execution of tasks to meet business requirements. 2) Alerting Implementation: - Design and implement alerting mechanisms to monitor data pipelines and systems. - Set up real-time notifications for pipeline failures and performance issues. - Develop strategies for proactive monitoring and incident management. 3) Adding New Data Sources: - Integrate new data sources such as PayPal, Stripe, Google, and Facebook into the data infrastructure. - Ensure seamless data ingestion, transformation, and storage from diverse sources. - Maintain data quality and consistency across all integrated platforms. 4) Handling Requests from Analytics and Other Departments: - Collaborate with analytics and other departments to understand their data needs and requirements. - Develop and maintain data solutions that support ad-hoc and scheduled data requests. - Ensure timely and accurate delivery of data to support decision-making processes. 💼 Required Skills: 1) SQL: - Advanced proficiency in SQL for querying, manipulating, and managing large datasets. - Ability to optimize SQL queries for performance and efficiency. 2) Airflow: - Strong knowledge of Apache Airflow for orchestrating complex data workflows. - Experience in designing, implementing, and optimizing Airflow DAGs. 3)Git: - Proficient in using Git for version control and collaboration on codebases. - Ability to manage branches, merges, and code reviews effectively. 4) Python: - Advanced skills in Python for developing data pipelines and automation scripts. - Experience with relevant libraries and frameworks for data engineering. 5) Databricks: - Experience with Databricks for big data processing and analytics. 🔥Additional Qualifications: - Proven experience in a Data Engineer or similar role. - Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail. - Excellent communication skills, with the ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams. - Ability to manage multiple tasks and priorities in a fast-paced environment. - Knowledge of cloud platforms and services (e.g., AWS, GCP, Azure) is a plus. 🍩 We offer: - A supportive atmosphere, working on inspiring products in a team of great professionals - In-office, hybrid/remote work opportunities - A competitive salary package based on your unique expertise, skillset and impact on the product - Professional equipment and access to the necessary programs - Flexible working hours - 21 days of annual leave, 3 sick days - Reimbursement of professional courses and trainings - Free lunches in the office - Medical Insurance - A variety of corporate events and team-building activities. Interested? 😉 Then send your CV to TG @nikita_pitalenko @Sir_Alejandro📝

2024-07-18 12:18:18

#vacancy #analyst #cyprus #remote Vertex – мы разрабатываем платформу для агрегации платежей, предназначенную для всех типов бизнеса, и ищем Системного аналитика для работы с платежными интеграциями. Что предстоит делать: -Сбор и анализ бизнес требований к разработке продукта -Подготовка технической документации и описаний задач для команды разработки -Участие в решении аналитических задач, разработке архитектурных решений Требования: -Опыт от 3+ лет в должности системного аналитика, опыт в финтех проектах обязателен -Опыт описания системных интеграций -Знание нотаций UML и BPMN -Понимание принципов построения клиент-серверной архитектуры -Знание английского языка на уровне Intermediate или выше Полная занятость, возможна удаленная работа или релокация на Кипр. Отправить резюме можно в tg @a_kolyadova

2024-07-18 11:23:11

#Vacancy #вакансия #Job #fulltime #IT #Office #Cyprus #Limassol #Finance #бухгалтер Международная компания, которая разрабатывает надежные и актуальные IT-решения для B2C и B2B сегмента находится в поисках: Финансовый контролер Обязанности: - Подготовка и проверка инвойсов на оплату и закрывающих документов к ним. - Контроль за поступлениями денежных средств по этим инвойсам. - Контроль дебиторской задолженности. - Подготовка отчетов о доходах/расходах по компаниям. Необходимые навыки работы: - Опыт работы с данным функционалом от 1 года - Английский язык - от B1 и выше (чтение договоров в части оплаты и инвойсов) - Знание MS Office и Excel. Что мы предлагаем: - Офисный формат работы в Лимассоле, график работы: пн.-пт. с 9:00 до 18:00, субб., воскр. - выходные - Бесплатные завтраки и обеды в офисе - Абонемент в спортзал - Уровень дохода: обсуждается на собеседовании. контакт - @Anya_Recruiter

2024-07-18 11:23:05

#vacancy #Cyprus #Limassol #office #CIO 🔹Company: Spotware Systems 🔹Location: Limassol (on-site) 🔹Employment: fulltime 🔹Position: Chief Information Officer 🖥 Spotware Systems is looking for an experienced Executive Assistant, fluent in both Russian and English, to join our office in Limassol. Here is Job Description 📩Feel free to send your CV in direct or ask me any questions🤗

2024-07-18 07:14:52

#vacancy #job #Limassol #Cyprus #fulltime #merch Wisebits is looking for a Merch Manager This role entails working in two directions - merchandise for company employees and merchandise for partners and the user community of our products! 💫 ❇️ Tasks: - Developing merchandise concepts for employees, partners, and regular users; - Interacting with stakeholders and the creative team; - Managing contractors located in both Europe and Asia; - Working with factories, controlling orders and production; - Collaborating with logistics companies; - Internal merchandise accounting. ❇️ Our expectations: - Fluent in both English and Russian; - Possesses a sense of style and knowledge of clothing and accessory trends; - Available for full-time weekday work; - Self-starter capable of multitasking and effective prioritization; - Demonstrated flexibility in handling various administrative and operational tasks. ❇️ We offer: - Office located in downtown Limassol; - Official employment with a stable salary; - Inclusive corporate mobile package; - Medical insurance coverage; - Daily complimentary lunches; - Sport benefits; - Support for car purchases and coverage of school/kindergarten expenses. ✨ Contacts: https://t.me/tvvardowski [email protected]

2024-07-18 11:18:09

#vacancy #accountant #fulltime #Limassol NOVENTIQ is hiring! Noventiq, the brandname of Cyprus-registered Noventiq Holding plc) is a leading global solutions and services provider in digital transformation and cybersecurity, headquartered and listed in London. Noventiq is a leading global solutions and services provider in digital transformation and cybersecurity, headquartered in London. Currently we are looking for senior accountant ✓ What you’ll do: Assist in the preparation of financial reports such as financial statements and budget performance Ensure compliance with applicable standards, rules, regulations, and systems of internal control Manage accounting inline with IFRS Aid in the implementation of new accounting policies, standards, and guidelines Provide accurate, timely, and relevant recording, reporting, and analysis of financial information Identify areas for improvement and implement improvements to processes Assist with and act as the primary point-of-contact for auditor requests Support tax operations. ✓ About you: Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Finance, or a related field, or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience 5-7 years of accounting/finance experience IFRS knowledge Experience working with 1C system Strong analytical skills Fluent English and Russian languages. ✓ What we offer: Working in an international environment with a team all over the globe in more than 65+ countries; Inspiring corporate culture with an ability to grow and develop every day; Fascinating compensation package with advantages from motivation programs (Long-Term Employee Partnership Program (LTEPP) and Employee Share Purchase Program (ESPP). Please send your CV to DM or to [email protected]

2024-07-18 07:14:39

🚀 Ready to Make a Real Impact with Your Code? 🚀 Join us and use your coding skills to save lives! 💻❤️ Let’s revolutionize healthcare together. Get in touch! 👩‍⚕️📞 🧐 We are currently looking for a software engineer to join our team, who will be responsible for: • Developing and improving medical technology solutions • Collaborating with healthcare professionals to understand needs and implement effective solutions • Ensuring the reliability and efficiency of software systems ✨ Requirements: • iOS/MacOS software engineer with experience in 3D, METAL, SceneKit, and ARKit Please get in touch. #vacancy #software #developer #iOS #MacOS #healthcare #job #Cyprus #fulltime

2024-07-18 08:37:48

#vacancy #project_manager Мы — стремительно развивающийся международный холдинг в iGaming. Наши продукты успешно лидируют на многих рынках, а штат за год вырос в несколько раз — до более чем 4000 сотрудников. Сейчас мы в поисках Project Manager, который возглавит один из проектов и выведет его на новый уровень. Нам интересен опыт в рамках digital. Самое главное для нас — огонь в глазах и желание покорить этот мир вместе с нами 🔝 ⚙️Чего мы ожидаем от тебя: • самых перспективных и амбициозных людей, мотивированных активно развиваться в менеджменте с желанием запускать проекты и управлять ими; • лидеров, которые смогут собрать команду и вдохновить ее достигать результатов; • мы готовы рассмотреть руководителей SMM, Sales, Aff, и других с опытом в менеджменте; 🍪 Что предлагаем взамен: • полная занятость в офисе с гибким началом дня, которое ты устанавливаешь для себя сам, мы не отнимем твою «магию утра»; • кофе, печенье… да конечно, у кого этого нет? А также, корпоративы, которым позавидует Цукерберг, кальяны, спортивные активности; • перевезем тебя на Кипр, если это необходимо; Если ты готов к переменам и хочешь стать частью iGaming революции, пиши и мы начнем менять игру вместе Мой контакт: @grianna_recruiter За рекомендации тоже буду очень благодарна 🫂

2024-07-18 07:14:12

#job #vacancy #support #billing #customer #web #cyprus #limassol #remote 🧑‍💻Role: Billing Support Manager 🇨🇾 Location: Limassol/remote 🕘Job type: Full-time 👍Experience: senior The company ALMUS creates its own mobile applications, that are popular with millions of users around the world. 📋 Key Responsibilities: - User support and engagement (respond to user requests, process subscription cancellations and refunds, handle payment disputes); - Utilize CRM and support tools to manage and track user interactions, measure and analysis the operational efficiency; - Establish and adhere to KPI and SLAs, report on the performance of the billing support; - Contribute to product improvement based on user feedback and implement best practices to reduce disputes; - Work closely with the product team to share insights and feedback from customers interactions 💼Requirements: - Minimum of 2 years of experience in billing support, customer support; - Proven experience with CRM and support tools like Zendesk; - Familiarity with mobile apps and web apps in a B2C context; - Education: Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Business Administration, Customer Support; - Excellent communication skills in English (B2 or higher) 🍩 We offer: - A supportive atmosphere, working on inspiring products in a team of great professionals - In-office, hybrid/remote work opportunities - A competitive salary package based on your unique expertise, skillset and impact on the product - Professional equipment and access to the necessary programs - Flexible working hours - 21 days of annual leave, 3 sick days - Reimbursement of professional courses and trainings - Free lunches in the office - Medical Insurance - A variety of corporate events and team-building activities Interested? 😉 Then send your CV to TG @nikita_pitalenko @Sir_Alejandro

2024-07-18 07:13:53

#job #vacancy #вакансия #senior #middle #designer #ui #cyprus #relocation #office #english Company: BrainRocket Location: #Cyprus #Кипр Employment: fulltime, office Position: UI Designer/ Product designer 💎BrainRocket is a software development company and digital solutions provider. The company has created over 65 cutting-edge products spanning 20 different markets. Our team of around 700+ tech-savvy professionals successfully deliver scalable projects that are custom-made to the customers’ needs. 💎We are seeking a talented UI Designer/ Product designer to join our Internal Systems Design team. In this role, you will collaborate closely with cross-functional teams to create intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces for our internal tools and systems (CMS, Backoffice etc.), ensuring seamless workflows and user satisfaction. ✅ Requirements: ✔️Proven experience as a Product designer, with a focus on internal systems or enterprise applications. ✔️Strong portfolio demonstrating proficiency in user interface design, interaction design, and information architecture. ✔️Proficiency in Figma. ✔️Understanding of usability principles and best practices in UI design. ✔️Excellent communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work effectively in cross-functional teams. ✅ Responsibilities: ✔️Design intuitive user interfaces for various internal systems and tools (CMS, Backoffice etc.), focusing on usability and visual appeal. ✔️Conduct user research, gather feedback, and analyze user requirements to inform the design process and improve user experience. ✔️Create wireframes, prototypes, and mockups to visualize design concepts and iterate on design solutions. ✔️Work closely with product managers, developers, and stakeholders to understand project requirements and translate them into effective design solutions. ✔️Contribute to the development and maintenance of a UI component library to ensure consistency and efficiency in design implementation. Create design documentation, including design specifications, guidelines, and style guides. ✅ We offer excellent benefits, including but not limited to: 🧑🏻‍💻Learning and development opportunities and interesting challenging tasks; 📝Official employment in accordance with the laws of Cyprus and the EU, registration of family members; ✈️ Relocation package (tickets, staying in a hotel for 2 weeks); 🏋️‍♂️ Company fitness corner in the office for employees; 📚 Opportunity to develop language skills and partial compensation for the cost of language classes; 🎁 Birthday celebration present; 🏝 Time for proper rest and 24 working days of Annual Vacation; 🍲 Breakfasts and lunches in the office (partially paid by the company). Join BrainRocket and rock with us! 🚀 📲@Alyonasam

2024-07-18 07:13:45

#useracquisition #remote #vacancy 🍐Senior User Acquisition Manager | Remore Soft Pear - AI product company that builds uncensored AI technology designed to solve the problem of loneliness and boredom through innovative chatbot product (both mobile and web platforms). 🔥 We have nice bonuses for successful recommendations 🔥 📌User Acquisition Manager will play a crucial role in driving growth and expanding the user base for the brand. Requirements: - Experience (3+ years) in user acquisition, digital marketing or growth marketing role, with emphasis on dating and adult - Strong analytical skills and proficiency in using analytics and marketing tools (e.g., Google Analytics, SEMrush, HubSpot and more) - Excellent understanding of digital advertising platforms, including Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram, TikTok, and other relevant channels What we offer: - Competitive salary and benefits package - Remote or relocation to Cyprus - Work-life balance that includes 20 working days of vacation, 10 sick days, and 10 national holidays - Company-sponsored learning opportunities - English courses provided - Referral bonuses of up to 1500$ for successful recommendations - Opportunity to work in a fast-paced, innovative environment with a top product - Collaborative and supportive team culture For more details and applying write me in DM @julexhalo

2024-07-18 07:13:38

#vacancy #cyprus #limassol #office or #remote ◾️We are looking for Head of Payment◾️ 📍Location: Cyprus, Limassol or Remote New brand focused on innovation in the iGaming industry, is on the lookout for an experienced Head of Payment. This role involves assisting in the expansion and optimization of payment operations on a global scale. The position offers an opportunity to work with a team of esteemed experts and manage a diverse array of payment systems in a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector. 🎯Responsibilities: - Manage the entire process of integrating new payment service providers (PS), from initial search to full operational launch; - Execute the company’s business development strategy by acquiring new customers and merchants; - Maintain and oversee payment service provider (PSP) solutions for the project; - Perform reconciliations between different providers and back-office data; - Lead and manage a team effectively; - Collaborate with the development team to implement API integrations for payment functionalities; - Conduct research and analysis to identify suitable payment solutions for the brand; - Represent the company at industry events to establish new business contacts and inform industry experts about our Brand. 🎯Requirements: - Proven experience in payment systems within high-risk industries (3+ years); - Extensive knowledge and practical experience in payment systems. - Strong analytical skills; - Excellent problem-solving and issue resolution capabilities; - Ability to work in a deadline-driven environment with strong attention to detail; - Fluent Russian and Good English level; - Willingness to travel as needed. 🎯What we provide: - A career in an international company; - Full-time job; - Cozy office in Cyprus, the opportunity to work in offices in other countries; - Competitive salary and quarterly bonus system; - Company events and social gatherings; - Daily office lunches and daily nibbles such as fresh fruit, cool drinks, coffee and tea; - Birthday celebration present; - Referral program — invite your colleagues and receive a bonus; - Medical insurance after completion of the probationary period. Apply Now! 📱Send your CV - @Ihor_TA

2024-07-18 07:13:30

#vacancy #job #Limassol #Cyprus #fulltime #hr_admin Wisebits is looking for a HR Administrator We are looking for a responsible and experienced HR Administrator to strengthen our team with their expertise.🤗 ❇️Tasks: • Collecting and preparing documents for employees to obtain Entry permits and Work permits; • Organizing and handling documentation for employee medical examinations and health insurance; • Opening bank accounts for employees; • Drafting employment contracts; • Registering new employees on the social insurance portal; • Interacting with immigration services. ❇️Our expectations: • At least 3 years of experience in a similar role; • Excellent knowledge of Cyprus labor laws; • Willingness to work from the office (Limassol); • Experience in optimizing work processes and readiness to take initiative; • Independence and responsibility in work; • Excellent command of English and Russian; • Knowledge of Greek is a big plus. ❇️We offer: • Comfortable and cozy office in the center of Limassol; • Visa and legal support for employees and their families in Cyprus; • Health insurance; • Language courses and professional training; • Weekly Wolt balance top-ups; SportBenefit program; • Partial reimbursement for employees' children's kindergartens and schools; • Annual salary review; • Friendly international team. ✨Contacts: https://t.me/Ullallaa

2024-07-18 07:14:15

#vacancy #limassol #support #head #vip 🔥Head of VIP Support Opportunity🔥 Company: 🅰️lpha Affiliates 📍Location: Cyprus/Hybrid 📌 What You Will Do: -Be in charge of organization, management and control function for VIP customers service department, supporting marketing campaigns, conduct customer retention out-bound reach-outs, upsells in addition to inbound customer service enquiries. -Collaborating with Risk and Fraud as well as Payments teams, ensure AML and KYC procedures are followed at all times. -Continuously improve VIP customers service experience, create engagement with customers and facilitate organic growth. -Develop processes, knowledge base, service procedures, policies and standards. 📌 What We Expect: -3+ years of experience managing an international and multinational, geographically dispersed team remotely. -Proven working experience as a customer service manager in similar role and applicable gaming or gambling, high risk industries. -Ability to develop and maintain digital systems to track service records across multiple software suites. -Strong English and Russian verbal and written communication skills. 🚀 What We Offer: -Comfortable office in Limassol, Cyprus. Hybrid format. -Relocation assistance for those ready to embark on a new adventure. -Competitive compensation package ensures your hard work is rewarded. -Enjoy a shortened working day for improved work-life balance. -Benefit from 21 working days of vacation to rejuvenate and recharge. -Medical insurance. -Lunch reimbursement. Apply Now! 📱Send your CV @A_Affiliates

2024-07-18 07:13:11

#vacancy #limassol #retention #crm 🔥Retention Manager Opportunity🔥 Company: 🅰️lpha Affiliates 📍Location: Cyprus/Hybrid 🎲 Who we are? We are Alpha Affiliates, the preeminent hub for ambitious individuals poised to dominate the iGaming sphere. We emerged in 2012 as the top partner program for gambling and betting. Our excellence and innovation shine through with licenses from the esteemed Malta Gaming Authority and Curacao, covering 13 unique brands. Our simple goal is to change the game rules and rise to the top, supported by a vast network spanning 38 countries and boasting over 15,000 partners. 📌 What You Will Do: - Design and send email and push notification campaigns to keep customers engaged. - Contact customers through email, SMS, and push notifications to keep them informed and engaged. - Use spreadsheets to segment and analyze customer data for better-targeted communications. - Create reports on the results of campaigns to understand what works best. 📌 What We Expect: - Experience with email and push campaign management. - Strong skills in analyzing data using spreadsheets. - Excellent communication skills for customer interactions. - Ability to create and present performance reports. - Experience in developing retention strategies is a plus. - Strong English and Russian verbal and written communication skills. 🚀 What We Offer: -Comfortable office in Limassol, Cyprus. Hybrid format. -Relocation assistance for those ready to embark on a new adventure. -Competitive compensation package ensures your hard work is rewarded. -Enjoy a shortened working day for improved work-life balance. -Benefit from 21 working days of vacation to rejuvenate and recharge. -Medical insurance. -Lunch reimbursement. Apply Now! 📱Send your CV @A_Affiliates

2024-07-18 07:13:04

#vacancy #limassol #product 🔥Product Manager Opportunity🔥 Company: 🅰️lpha Affiliates 📍Location: Cyprus/Hybrid 🎲 Who we are? We are Alpha Affiliates, the preeminent hub for ambitious individuals poised to dominate the iGaming sphere. We emerged in 2012 as the top partner program for gambling and betting. Our excellence and innovation shine through with licenses from the esteemed Malta Gaming Authority and Curacao, covering 13 unique brands. Our simple goal is to change the game rules and rise to the top, supported by a vast network spanning 38 countries and boasting over 15,000 partners. 📌 What You Will Do: - Define the vision, strategy, and roadmap for product development, aligning with business objectives and market demands. - Collaborate with customers, development teams, platform providers, and marketing departments to establish necessary agreements for product launches. - Prioritize and manage the product backlog, outline product requirements, and prioritize feature development based on business value and user needs. - Regularly review and assess product performance metrics, identifying areas for optimization and enhancement. 📌 What We Expect: - 2+ years of product management experience in the iGaming industry. - Solid understanding of the iGaming industry, encompassing online casinos, sports betting, and/or other gaming products. - Demonstrated experience and success in improving product metrics. - Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, utilizing data-driven insights for informed product decisions. 🚀 What We Offer: -Comfortable office in Limassol, Cyprus. Hybrid format. -Relocation assistance for those ready to embark on a new adventure. -Competitive compensation package ensures your hard work is rewarded. -Enjoy a shortened working day for improved work-life balance. -Benefit from 21 working days of vacation to rejuvenate and recharge. -Medical insurance. -Lunch reimbursement. Apply Now! 📱Send your CV @A_Affiliates

2024-07-18 07:12:57

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