
CY Venture, Startup, M&A, etc.

161 #fundraising #lp #fund Американский венчурный фонд, инвестирующий в международные стартапы. Мы сейчас открыты для новых LP. Деньги инвестора распределяются пропорционально в 7 компаний, диверсифицированных по регионам и индустриям. Стадия стартапов - Pre Seed, все уже имеют выручку. Размер инвестиций: от $20'000 до $100'000 Ожидаемая доходность: 3x - 10x к вложенному капиталу через 3-5 лет. Общий размер инвестиций: $1'200'000 Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-11-14 12:42:49

160 #startup #preseed #fintech #assetmanagement #crypto #web3 #blockchain #digitalassets #defi Digital asset management software We develop a simple and straightforward software solution that allows managers to easily manage investors' crypto-assets on various cryptoexchanges and DeFI protocols through a web-based application in a single interface using a proprietary protocol. On the other hand, we are building an app that will make crypto investing simple and accessible to everyone. Users can choose an asset manager using a rating system and filters and send money to the portfolio in just a few clicks. We separates the digital assets management and custody risks. 📈 Traction: – €1M PRIVATE INVESTOR GROUP AT THE ENTRY THRESHOLD OF €50K OR MORE – 5+ letters of intent from B2B clients (hedge funds, private asset managers) – €50M Signed contract for capital contribution to management from product partners by the end of 2024 – Technical partners: Asterizm, HashEX, Hexens Rounds: ✅ Pre-seed: $250k 🕕Raise: $500K ALL CRYPTO EXCHANGES AND PROTOCOLS IN ONE PLACE Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-11-09 12:32:16

159 #community #startup #seed Мобильное приложение для поиска единомышленников и создания офлайн встреч по интересам для экспатов. > Проблема целевой аудитории 86% экспатов чувствуют себя одинокими. Им сложно найти единомышленников, не знают чем заняться и как развиваться на новом месте. > Решение Офлайн встречи по интересам > Бизнес клиенты Организаторы платных встреч, занятий, мастер классов, мероприятий. Малый и средний бизнес в сфере развлечений и саморазвития – Seed Round – Привлекаем 650.000€ – Порог входа в проект 150.000€ Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-11-09 10:51:05

158 #gamedev #rounda We are developing a game for PC, PS and Xbox. Created as the spiritual heir of Dino Crisis. The previous project from the developers is ATOM RPG and ATOM RPG Trudograd. Sold more than 1,500,000 million copies worth 11,500,000 USD, with a development budget of 200,000 USD and a marketing budget of 0. Awards ATOM RPG - Top 50 Best RPG by RPG Codex Trudograd - Our Best Game 2021& Best RPG 2022 by LUDI AWARDS. Before the return on investment, a large profit from sales goes to investors in order to reduce their risks and at least discourage spending. After the return, it is redistributed towards the team. A 30-40 minute demo is already ready, so you can see and touch everything. Round A The total investment amount is $ 10 million for two years. (it can be divided into several tranches) The minimum check is $100,000 Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-10-05 06:36:03

157 #influencermarketing #martech #adtech #startup #lateseed Influencer marketing SaaS enables predictable self-learning campaigns Market: The influencer marketing industry was experiencing an annual growth rate of approximately 30% to 40% in terms of average annual spending, with forecasts indicating continued budget increases for this marketing channel. Why now: The current landscape is ideal for launching an influencer marketing platform due to the escalating popularity and effectiveness of influencer collaborations in reaching target audiences across various industries. Problem: Small and medium businesses (2M in EU and US) don’t have tools to run predictable influencer marketing campaigns and lose 20%+ of their budget with agencies Solution: Influencer marketing SaaS enabling predictable self-learning campaigns Early Traction: 40+ paying companies(mostly US and EU); avg. monthly growth rate 20%(last 5 month); average monthly churn 0,8%; ARR $63K.    Team: Our team consists of highly skilled IT professionals, each possessing extensive expertise and a wealth of experience in their respective domains, as well as a track record of successful exits from startups and a proven ability to manage large-scale organizations. Type of Round: Late-Seed Total amount to Raise: $1,500,000 Minimum Check: $300,000 Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-10-02 09:02:32

156 #startup #mentaltech #mentalhealth #preseed A gamified app with Tamagotchi-like mechanics, carefully crafted to help you level up your mental well-being, all while having fun with your new virtual bear. Our goal is to provide a simple and fun way to manage stress, improve sleep, achieve inner peace, and find balance in life. We've developed a traditional meditation app for a while, but we've observed that despite the growing market, even the top apps are losing users. We researched the issue and discovered that apps like Duolingo turned learning new skills into a game successfully. We plan to do the same, but in meditation. We share vast experience in both mental health and mobile gaming, as well as product development and user acquisition. Which makes us confident that we can deliver a top product to our audience. The only limiting thing at the moment is resources. We’ve managed to raise $200k to secure an MVP launch but we still need $300k more in order to fully bring our vision to life. Type of Round: Pre-Seed Total amount to Raise: $500k ($200k already raised) Minimum Check: $50k Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-10-02 09:02:28

155 #startup #marketplace #preseed We are building a marketplace for senior fractional tech leaders (10-20h/week for 3-18 months). - Trend: A new category of “elite” freelancers has emerged – part-time tech leaders. - Why now: A cultural shift towards flexibility & remote work + massive resignation + AI carries out their routine duties - Problem: No infrastructure (Upwork is for juniors -> is a gap for a specialized marketplace) - Solution: Marketplace with AI-powered recommendation & matching system - Traction: 30+ paying active clients + 300 VPs & managers (ex-Pinterest, Miro, Calm, etc.) - Team: ex-Mastercard intrapreneur, consulting (Arthur D. Little), ex-VC, PhD in Computer Science. Advisers include ex-Head of Talents @ TopTal Type of Round: Pre-Seed Total amount to Raise: $250-300k. $160k signed + $40k committed ($50-100k left) Minimum Check: $25,000 Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-09-27 14:01:43

154 #startup #musictech #seed Interest based social network related on music - Month-over-month growth rate is 23%, week-over-week is 4%, 377K MAU, $16.5K MRR in August - Cold start problem solved by focusing on couples - We are profitable, launched 11 months ago More numbers: WAU 184K, DAU 64K. Retention of activated user: D7: 29%, D30: 15%. LTV = $11,25, CAC = $1,98, CPI = $0.011. We are raising $500K SAFE seed round with minimum check of $25K Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-09-27 13:01:54

153 #gamedev #startup #pc #consoles #angelround We are an award-winning game development studio with a passion for creating games for PC and consoles. Our team is currently developing a potential Action horror hit. The game offers a combination of both features intrinsic to good old horror games, like the Resident Evil and Dead Space series, as well as new adventures, set in a world like no other seen before. We won’t be developing from the ground up. The development is in progress and a huge chunk of work has been done so far. Our goal is to bring the project to a whole new level; to target a wide audience, and end up launching a successful game. World-class publishers already showed their interest for our game. Unlike any big and famous companies, we don’t dispose of their resources and capabilities, yet we can come up with a quality DEMO version of our game to provoke the interest of bigger guys, and be able to collaborate with them further on. This won’t consume many resources. In order for us to come up with a quality demo version of the game, an estimate funding of €330K is required. Demo development time frame is 12 months. Subsequently, we will be looking for additional funding of the project of ca. €1.6M - Angels round - Total amount €330K - Minimum check €50K Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-09-27 12:26:07

152 #startup #fintech #preseed Представляем Fintech компанию-стартап, которая занимается решением актуальных транзакционных на сегодняшний день проблем. 🏆Трекшн 2022: ● Компания приняла участие во Всемирном мобильном конгрессе 2022 в Барселоне. ● Победа в национальном финале Кубка мира по предпринимательству 2022 года. ● Три награды «Лучшее мобильное платежное решение года». ● Закрытие pre-seed раунда инвестиций с Фора Банк. ● Участие в стартап-акселераторе 500 Global. ● Запуск тестового мобильного приложение в App Store, для совершения транзакции Crypro2Crypto в любом приложении. 2023: ● Заключены сделки с 2 банками, сейчас идет процесс технической интеграции. ● Команда достигает 22 специалистов и набирается надежный совет адвайзеров. ● Участие в VivaTech expo 2023. ● Запуск продукта запланирован на конец третьего квартала 2023 года. 🎗Миссия Революционизировать финансовые интеракции, вшивая платежи в разговоры в социальных сетях. Мы стремимся создать беспрецедентный пользовательский интерфейс, который будет безопасным, интуитивным и привлекательным, что в конечном итоге изменит то, как мы общаемся и взаимодействуем с нашими финансами. Наши ценности - свобода для движения денег и мы хотим предложить вам разделить нашу мечту и помочь сделать платежи лёгкими, поэтому предлагаем действовать. Мы верим, что экономика сегодня – это экономика потребителя, экономика внимания. До двух часов в день пользователи проводят в смартфонах используя, преимущественно соц.сети и мессенджеры. Пользователи пересылают текст, видео, аудио сообщения и передают эмоции стикерами/эмодзи легко и постоянно. Почему же отправка денег (такой же цифровой сущности) требует другого клиентского пути? 🪜 Решение Наше решение предоставляет такие возможности, как: – Инициировать перевод из любого мессенджера, социальной сети, любого текстового поля. Это позволяет охватить сразу все мессенджеры и социальные сети, все интерфейсы взаимодействия с пользователем – Готовый маркетплейс цифровых продуктов: оплата online игр, подписок на стриминговые сервисы, и тп – Большая коллекция уникальных стикеров и эмодзи позволят сопроводить ваше сообщение поступление денег собеседнику, что дает уникальный пользовательский опыт – Встроенная AI система мониторинга и предотвращения social engineering (социальный инжиниринг) фрода – On-premise AI система позволяет анализировать и выявлять триггерные события. Впервые появляются возможность в режиме on-line знать об актуальных запросах клиента и just-in-time рекомендовать next-best-offer Делаем акцент на пользовательском опыте. На то, что наш продукт - партнер банков, а не его конкурент. Что нас будут любить платежные системы, т.к. мы повысим количество транзакций на 1 клиента. Банкам мы полезны, т.к. создание совместного продукта приведет для банка к: – Росту удовлетворенности клиентов за счет удобства использования платежного функционала – Росту числа активных клиентов – Увеличению транзакционной активности клиентов и комиссионных доходов – Увеличению средней суммы остатков на одного клиента, - величина напрямую зависит от количества совершаемых операций Тип раунда: pre-seed Общая сумма: 500k EUR, Safe Agreement Минимальный чек: 50k EUR Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-09-16 07:04:47

150 #startup #fintech #preseed This project is the next step in the evolution of payroll and how companies hire employees in Europe! Our mission is to enable European companies to manage their payroll locally and cross borders within Europe in one platform and in one transaction. We combine borderless end-to-end payroll services and digital banking for a seamless experience, regardless of whether the employee is local to your country or within the European Union, this project can pay anywhere, always in full compliance to each country's laws, regulations and best practices. All in one platform and one dashboard. No more dealing with external firms, manual calculations, tax and disbursement filling & manual payments. We automate and streamline the payroll process for your local and cross border employees. As a Company your #1 priority is to hire the best talent and let us take care of the rest. We are a true 2-click solution for remote, hybrid or in office work Type of Round: Pre-Seed Total amount to Raise: €250,000 Minimum Check: €50,000 Total shares: 8% Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-09-15 14:16:45

149 #startup #edutainment #preseed We are an AI-powered modern parenting co-pilot. US-based edutainment mobile app for building harmonious relationships in families. We reimagine parenthood as a chill and conscious lifestyle empowering to unlock the full family potential. We play on the $86B Market Highlights: • Retention D1 - D7 - D14 - D21 -D30: 41 - 25 - 20 - 18 - 16. Weekly Retention Detected • Engagement: 8 min [2 min in content apps] Traction: • May’22: Market and Generation Problem Research • September’22: start app development, team completed • November’22: close $250k Angel Round • December’22: MVP Released with 25% R1 N-Day Retention • April’23: Released Alpha-Version. • June’23: Start Marketing and monetisation strategy, reached 3K users. Current business model: freemium, test different business models every 2 months. • August’23: Growing MRR 40% MoM • August’23: Completed our own AI-powered automated visual content creation platform • August’23: Start Affiliation strategy • September’23: Complete AI_Powered chat Founding team: CEO – 8+ years of Tech, BizDev&Product management experience, mom of two CCO – Family Psychology Expert with 10+ years of experience, mom of two 4 founding investors summary 15+ exits We are currently seeking $400K pre-seed to support our growth product and marketing goals: 40% team&product dev, 60% - marketing. Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-09-15 12:47:11

Начинается новый цикл публикаций проектов. – Изучайте краткие обзоры, – Запрашивайте детальные питчедки – Задавайте вопросы – Подписывайтесь на интро с фаундерами – Делайте win-win истории

💬 ответы (1)

2023-09-15 13:14:46

Публикация новых проектов откладывается еще на несколько дней. Часть знакомых венчурных инвесторов, ангелов, управляющих фондов застряли в дождливом Burning Man.

2023-09-04 09:12:17

148 #startup #edtech #rounda #safe We're an EdTech company that teaches in-demand skills and helps people get jobs in IT. We operate in Indonesia, one of the fast-growing economies in the world: - around 5% GDP growth forecast in 2023 - will be #6 economy in the world in 2024 according to IMF - 270 mln population (52 mln - middle class) - fast-growing tech industry (e-com, ride-hailing, food delivery, telemedicine, etc.) Highlights about our business: - Grew from $0 to $1.2M monthly revenue in the Philippines and to $550k monthly revenue in Indonesia for 15 months. - Indonesia is ready to scale up to $1M revenue in 2024. - More than 12000 happy students with CSAT 97%. - Best educational product in the world by Product Hunt 2022. We're currently raising round A ($2 mln) in SAFE. The minimum investment ticket is $100k. Right now we have commits from F1V, Yellow Rocks, Atlas Ventures, and 2 angel investors for $1250K. Valuation CAP is $15M. Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-08-07 15:30:41

147 #startup #preseed #ai #virtualagent We are a cloud-based self-service platform and marketplace of fully autonomous AI-driven conversational virtual agents (VA) with omnichannel capabilities including voice, text, and email, which support human-like complex conversations and mimic emotions. Product It’s a platform with the Self-service Portal to create AI-driven Virtual Agents for any type of voice-based conversations with clients, prospects, etc. With our AI import module, we will disrupt the market by generating bots automatically from customers' call samples and existing call center scripts. It will significantly reduce TCO and time-to-market. Marketplace will allow any independent professional to create and publish a call script/scenario for further usage at our platform and monetize personal efforts. Market The Inside Partner estimates TAM 47B+ USD globally by 2028. Our SAM is $2B+, and SOM is $900K. Our business model - VA design and creation - One-time fee - VA usage - PAYG per minute - Telephony (VoIP) usage - PAYG per minute Within the first 3 years, we are going to get $6M in revenue and sell 230+ bots. What we have now Detailed business plan with unit economics cash flow model Base framework that allows to connect clients manually and create/use a Virtual Agent, integrate with 3rd party systems like CRM, email, etc. Several pilots in progress CY startup visa application in progress (low tax, CY innovation company status) What we are looking for Pre-seed 200-250K EUR, minimal check of 50K Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-08-07 15:30:38

146 #business #storage #cyprus Складские помещения Проект запущен 6 месяцев назад, куплены 16 контейнеров на сумму 80,000€. На сегодняшний день не осталось свободных контейнеров, зато есть очередь из желающих их арендовать. Как это работает простыми словами: – Покупаются грузовые контейнеры – Их разделяют и готовят для сдачи – Размещают, рекламируют, находят клиентов Инвестиции: – €200 000 с 15-20% годовых гарантированный доход; – Минимальный чек €10 000. Во что вы инвестируете? – В контейнеры из которых создают складские помещения и сдают их в аренду своим клиентам. Цели привлечения инвестиций: – Expand existing business Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-08-02 06:42:06

145 #startup #rounda #music #ecosystem We are a company specializing in the development of mobile music iOS applications. 🎯Project Goal The project aims to develop an ecosystem of 6 music applications within a span of 3 years. Currently, 3 applications are already in development. 📱Our Applications 1. An application for creating music compositions. It allows users to create personalized audio tracks without any experience or musical knowledge. 2. Music Battle Challenge, where players compete in a battle to become the best musician on a global map in real-time, with online spectators. 3. A game for children featuring various characters, each corresponding to a specific arrangement. By moving and combining these characters into groups, children can create musical compositions. 4. An application for generating music for videos. Users upload their own videos, and the application generates music based on specified parameters. 5. An application that generates music tracks in genres like zen, ambient, etc., depending on the user's mood and current activity. 6. A music game where users control a character in sync with the music and overcome obstacles. The game enhances rhythmic thinking. ⭐️Our Advantages - We have developed our own audio core and SonicDSP library, providing a solid foundation for all planned applications. By creating our audio signal processing module, we are independent of device hardware and operating systems (Apple, Microsoft, Google Android), eliminating any dependence on hardware or platform errors. - We have created over 120 ready-made tracks and compositions that can be integrated into our products. - Currently, our team consists of 7 people. We have previously worked together on various projects, establishing a streamlined pipeline, procedures, and business processes. The team's combined experience exceeds 16 years. 🌎Marketing - We have developed a marketing strategy for promoting our applications, including organic traffic (ASO promotion) and paid traffic (Facebook, ASA, Google, TikTok, etc.). - The average lifetime value (LTV) of users in this application niche is approximately $35 (in the US region). - The target average price per paying user is less than $25. - Additionally, users in this niche exhibit a high app retention rate, approximately 12%. Users continue their subscription even after 12 weeks of subscription renewal. 💸Investments In this round (A), we are seeking investments ranging from $2.5k to $7 million (for the implementation of 3 applications within 2 years). Further investment of approximately $10 million will be required to create a closed ecosystem of applications. Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-07-07 08:42:43

144 #startup #angel #gamedev Series of strategic turn-based sports card games. Team of experienced professionals in the industry, having developed and managed successful titles that generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue, such as FIFA by EA, Magic: The Gathering, World of Tanks, War Robots, and Cut the Rope, among others. Currently, the team is focused on creating a strategic football card game universe, combining elements from games like Hearthstone with the excitement of sports. Early marketing tests in Brazil demonstrating strong potential (0,75 USD CPI & 4,14% CTR). Pre-alpha for iOS and Android is ready. Looking for funding to finish Alpha version and get product metrics. - Angels round - Total amount 250k USD - Minimum check 30k USD Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-06-20 12:12:40

143 #startup #marktech #marketing #safe We are an API integration platform and help digital marketing agencies connect apps like CRM, and email marketing software with each other without coding using API integrations. Market According to Statista IPaaS market is 3.2b now and will be 12b in 2027 There are +10m digital marketers that need API integrations Target Audience 20-25 years old digital marketers or a marketing agency with 2-50 employees Already done 30+ integrations Traction 170+ paid customers since September 2022 $4K MRR 900 registrations every month 20-40 new customers every month Investment Details 500K SAFE for 5m pre-money valuation Minimum investment of $10,000 per investor Company registered United States Запрос питчдека и/или интро через @olegcyprus

2023-06-20 10:34:00

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