Подскажите, а почему здесь написан годовой доход в 9 568 евро? Я думал минимум должен быть 50 000 евро для категории Ф

2023-12-24 08:08:48

Поэтому что это старая информация

2023-12-24 08:13:40

Капец они в 5 раз подняли

2023-12-24 09:09:29

Спасибо. А не подскажете где можно найти актуальную информацию. Не нашел офиц сайта на английском

2023-12-24 09:53:01

Вот в этом разделе на сайте мигрейшн The applicant should, in addition to the investment under Paragraph 2.1 above, be able to prove that he has at his disposal a personal secure annual income of at least €50,000. This annual income increases by €15,000 for his/her spouse and by €10,000 for each of his/her or his/her spouse’s dependent minor child. This income should derive from abroad and may include salaries or wages, pensions, dividends from shares, bank deposits interest, rents, etc., which can only be proved through a tax return declaration from the country he declares tax resident, in cases where the applicant chooses to invest as Section 2.1 (A).  In calculating the total amount of income, the spouse’s income may also be taken into account.

2023-12-24 11:21:25


2023-12-24 11:23:44