
Cyprus International⛵️Sailing Club - CISC

Первая часть чемпионата Кипра Пройдет 18-19.06 Если есть желание участвовать: 1) надо быть членом клуба 2) надо быть членом парусной федерации (иметь номерок регистрации или карточку) 3) если вы шкипер то ещё иметь мед карту КОА (олимпийского комитета Кипра) 4) должна быть команда и забукана лодка. 5) у лодки надо обновить гоночный сертификат в соответствии с требованиями вашей команды.

2022-04-28 14:28:41

Our Club has successfully passed the audit and has been accredited as a Partner school of International Yacht Training Worldwide ! It means that our boats were inspected, and we are now certified to teach at the trusted standard of excellence in yacht training and issue IYT skippers certificates, required by insurance companies and by charter companies in order to demonstrate your skills to be able to charter a boat as a skipper. IYT declares to have the most number of government approvals and are recognized by over 24 jurisdictions worldwide and by a growing number of maritime associations. We provide a full range of courses, as listed in the attached certificate, taught in English or Russian, but the advantage of IYT is that you may start at our school and continue your next step course at any of the more than 300 IYT partner schools in 58 countries. So, what is recreational course progression to become a skipper from 0 level, following IYT recommendations, in our school? In short: 1) Try the boat first. Just go to the sea. We have trainings almost every weekend for novices, as well as you may take 4hrs IYT Try Sailing or 2 days IYT Introductory Sailing Skills course and get certificate of completion. 2) Complete IYT Day Skipper / Crew Sail course - 3-4 days weekend course on our Club’s yacht Fareast 28r, after you may rent and command this sailboat or any similar <10m in length. We run this course every month, all year round and combine it with VHF course. 3) Sail >200 miles and spend >10 days at sea. Log it. 4) Complete International Bareboat Skipper course - 5-6 days course on chartered cruise yacht to be able to command a sailing or power boat or catamaran <24m in length. 5) Holders of certain passports may additionally apply via our school for an International Certificate Of Competency (ICC) to meet UNECE IWC Resolution 40. 6) Next step courses, such as IYT Yachtmaster Coastal, IYT Yachtmaster Offshore will increase the awareness and handling skills at night, further distance offshore, in a moderate weather. The school department is led by our co-founder, professional mariner and head instructor Yury Spiridonov @spirkinson, who received his first IYT instructors license 5 years ago and has since trained more than a hundred students who became skippers, boat owners, participants of various regattas and championships. We invite everyone to our school, nearest IYT Day Skipper / Crew Sail course starts already this weekend and places are available for the next course starting 14th of May. PM @spirkinson We also invite holders of skippers license with proven instructors experience to apply for IYT instructor to join our school!

2022-04-27 14:13:45

Also we have perfect results in Optimist class.

2022-04-27 13:28:26

Also for who was winner 🏆 and prizers of National Championship.

2022-04-27 13:33:49

Because of COVID winter ceremony will be for all 3 years in June!

2022-04-27 13:27:02

CISC 1st in ofshore for all years 2019-2020-2021

2022-04-27 13:26:26

Будем разбирать как обходить лодку с кормы в сильный ветер. И другие детали при хождении в дутье. Следующая суббота 9.45 бесплатная лекция о том как классно гоняться в крепкие ветра).

2022-04-17 13:15:42

Today was a strange day: 🥇Fortunatto / 1 1 1 = 3 4) FF2 / 2 2 DNS = 11 🥉 Echo / 3 4 4 = 10 🥈 Golf / 4 3 3 = 10 5) Bravo / 5 5 4 = 11 FF / DNF / DNS / DNS = 21 WWG / DNF / DNS / DNS = 21

2022-04-17 12:01:16

Racing day 3 of CISC Cup Tomorrow 17.04 10:00 skipper meeting 11:00 starting signal

2022-04-16 07:58:53

Reminder: Next Saturday school/training day. SUNDAY RACE #3 of CISC CUP Book boats or places: @julia_kochina

2022-04-12 06:35:21

Teams 1. Freedom Finance (H) 2. Freedom Finance 2 (F) 3. Fortunatto (D) 4. Advanced Hosting (G) 5. Alfa (A) 6. BTC - Alpha (E) 7. WWG - (J) 8. Bravo (B)

2022-04-10 10:03:18

8 boats go to CISC Cup today. Good luck 🤞
здесь должен был быть медиа файл, но наш сервер не резиновый: messageMediaDocument

2022-04-10 09:39:52

CISC CUP Club championship Dates of the cup: 03.04 10.04 17.04 24.04 08.05 15.05 All stages of the CUP are preparation for Cyprus championship. We kindly invite everyone with any skills to take part! Join us to improve your technics and have fun on the water. Price for the members: 50E Price for everyone: 60E Rent Fareast 28R bareboat: 250E For reserve place PM: @julia_kochina

2022-04-06 08:57:32

🏆В воскресенье стартуем первый этап ЧЕМПИОНАТА КЛУБА 🏆 1 STAGE of CISC CUP - SUNDAY 3rd of April ==== Conditions Per Boat — 250 Euro For private boats — 50 Euro For individual participation — 60 euros per person Skipper meeting 10:00 Start 11:00 — 3 races 2 loops Registration: @julia_kochina Event for any skils of sailors!

2022-03-29 23:22:42

Сlub schedule Sailing school and training Tuesday 10:00 — 13:00 Thursday 10:00 — 13:00 Saturday 10:00 — 13:00 Sailing school and training 9:00 — 10:00 Theory 10:00 — 14:00 Practice Sailing races Every Sunday 10:00 meeting 11:00 starts 14:00 Prize Giving Ceremony Club contacts: Chat: https://t.me/ciscchat WhatsApp: +35796767445 Phone number: +35725030696

💬 ответы (1)

2022-03-21 20:26:30

Приходите утром на лодки. Мозг у всех кипит, а вода помогает немного остыть. Welcome :-)

2022-03-11 19:54:47

У нас в четверг прилетает команда из Австрии, быстрые классные ребята, предлагаю погоняться + им позадавать вопросы и поучиться.

2022-03-08 12:38:45

Training races at 🌞 Sundays 10:00 Starts at 11:00-11:30 Тренеровочные гонки по расписанию - воскресенье 10:00 сбор старты а 11:00-11:30

2022-02-24 09:45:47

https://fb.me/e/1Vk14lB3j 9 марта Во время лекции Константин последовательно рассмотрит все действия яхтсмена во время гонки и до нее: от сбора информации перед ее началом до финиша. Тонкости, стратегия, тактика, выбор позиции относительно других яхт. Константин Беспутин — мастер спорта международного класса. ✓ Чемпион Европы по матч-рейсу 2008 ✓ Бронзовый призёр European Champions league 2015 ✓ Чемпион Европы 2017 в классе Melges 20 ✓ Победитель overall Middle sea race 2017 ✓ Чемпион Мира к классе Melges 32 2017-2018 ✓ Трехкратный бронзовый призёр ✓ Чемпионата Мира в классе Melges 20 ( 2018,2019,2020 ) ✓Серебряный призёр ЧЕ 2019 в классе Melges 20 ✓ Bronenosec team strategist in TP52 and Swan 50. 2021 Во время лекции Константин последовательно рассмотрит все действия яхтсмена во время гонки и до нее: от сбора информации перед ее началом до финиша. Тонкости, стратегия, тактика, выбор позиции относительно других яхт. Формат лекция + живое общение и ответы на ваши вопросы. Длительность лекции 3+ часа. Язык: Русский Уровень яхтсменов: любой, материал полезен как начинающим так и профессионалам. Стоимость участия: €25

2022-02-19 08:47:17

AH Sailing Cup Results of first day racing! https://fb.watch/b71Xg-pFYo/

2022-02-12 06:14:32

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