🎓 Next dates of IYT Day Skipper / Crew Sail course:
Two weekends In July, in Russian language: 22,23,29,30/07
Time from 9 till 14hrs of theory+practice+homework. Internationally recognized Skipper + VHF certificates are issued upon successful completion so that you may rent/command Fareast28r or any similar boat <10mtrs.
Full details of the course are here and here
💶 790е
subscribe @cisc_com_cy

Two weekends In July, in Russian language: 22,23,29,30/07
Time from 9 till 14hrs of theory+practice+homework. Internationally recognized Skipper + VHF certificates are issued upon successful completion so that you may rent/command Fareast28r or any similar boat <10mtrs.
Full details of the course are here and here
💶 790е
subscribe @cisc_com_cy

2023-06-23 07:29:30

На шкиперский курс по выходным 22,23,29,30/07 есть два места, начало в эту субботу, запись у @cisc_com_cy
2023-07-20 05:52:58