Fees within public higher education Norwegian public higher education institutions do not have tuition fees either for national or foreign students for ordinary study programs. They may charge tuition fees for non-degree courses, courses without study credit points, and a few Master's programs (experience-based programs). A modest semester fee is charged to all students and funds the local Student Welfare Organization. https://eurydice.eacea.ec.europa.eu/national-education-systems/norway/higher-education-funding

2024-07-14 20:46:03

Вот не поленилась , открыла ссылку. Как и обычно, абсолютно бесполезная ссылка ни о чем . Если все бесплатно , то зачем там речь идет о Loan? Куча общей непонятной информации , ничего конкретного

2024-07-14 21:22:53

тяжел конечно в таком случае. Вряд ли я могу помочь человеку, называющему документ ЕС «бесполезной ссылкой» Предлагаю воспользоваться переводчиком, чтобы понять смысл предложения Norwegian students are entitled to loans and grants from the State Educational Loan Fund (NSELF)

2024-07-14 20:57:48

Так вы вообще конкретно ни в чем помочь не можете , если уж на прямоту

2024-07-14 20:58:55

Я не просила документ ЕС, мне не нужны очередные декларации , что в норвегии есть высшее образование , я просила , если вы так осведомлены , поделиться конкретным вузом и конкретными БЕПЛАТНЫМИ программами на Английском

2024-07-14 21:25:59

еще раз https://www.mastersportal.com/articles/2986/best-english-taught-universities-in-norway.html

2024-07-14 21:35:26

И? 20 программ бакалавриата не в самых топовых ВУЗах, из которых бесплатных только 4 (стенография, исследование окр.среды etc.), из которых хоть сколько-нибудь стоящая одна (это если вам экономика интересна). Остальные платные и не за 1500€, а за 8000€ в год и дороже. Смысл быстрого гуглинга в итоге какой? Да ровно обратный. Ни черта в Европе на английском, да ещё и бесплатного, для свежего выпускника школы нет, единичные направление, которые кого-то и могут заинтересовать, конечно.

2024-07-14 22:31:57

Вам киберспорт, библейский курс или биологию? Я нашла 😅 выбор, правда, такой себе)

2024-07-15 09:56:20

первое попавшееся Studies Courses List of all courses All levels Bachelor Master PhD All semesters Spring 2024 Summer 2024 Autumn 2024 Showing 1–250 of 473 courses Course Credits ANT2700 – Ancient Literature in Translation 10 ANT2800 – Classical Mythology 10 ARK2021 – Classical Archaeology 10 ARK2120 – Hunters, Gatherers, and Stone age Technology 10 ARK2130 – From the Bronze Age to the Vikings and Beyond. Archaeological Analysis of Past Technology 10 ARK2140 – The Archaeology of Migration and Mobility 10 AST2210 – Observational Astronomy 10 AST3220 – Cosmology I 10 AST3310 – Astrophysical Plasma and Stellar Interiors 10 BIOS2000 – Animal Behaviour 10 BIOS2910 – Molecular Biology 10 BIOS3000 – Design and analysis of biological studies 10 BIOS3070 – Biogeochemistry 10 BIOS3100 – Evolution 10 BIOS3250 – Fungal biology 10 BIOS3300 – Marine Biology 10 BIOS3600 – Genetics and Developmental Biology 10 BIOS3601 – Genetics and Developmental Biology 10 BIOS3610 – Molecular Plant Science 10 BIOS3700 – Cell Biology 2 10 BIOS3800 – Human Physiology 10 BIOS3900 – Biochemistry 2 10 BIOS3910 – Microbiology 10 BIOS3920 – Research Literature in Cancer Biology 10 ECON1910 – Poverty and Distribution in Developing Countries 10 ECON1922 – Environmental economics and climate policy 10 ECON2610 – Strategy, competition and trade 10 ECON2951 – Economic History and Inequality 10 ECON3120 – Mathematics 2: Calculus and Linear Algebra 10 ECON3150 – Introductory Econometrics 10 ECON3170 – Data science for economists 10 ECON3220 – Microeconomics 3 10 ECON3620 – Public Economics - Taxation 10 ECON3715 – Labour Economics 10 ECON3810 – Incentives and motivation 10 ECON3820 – Strategic Competition 10 ENG1100 – English Grammar 10 ENG1100L – English Grammar for the teacher education programme 10 ENG1103 – English Phonetics and Intonation 10 ENG1303 – British Literature 10 ENG1304 – American Literature 10 ENG1505 – British Civilisation 10 ENG1505L – British Civilisation for the teacher education programme 10 ENG1506 – American History and Society: An Introduction 10 ENG2100 – Advanced English Grammar: Syntax and argumentation 10 ENG2152 – Varieties of English Texts 10 ENG2156 – History of the English Language 10 ENG2157 – Semantics and Pragmatics 10 ENG2158 – Translation into English 10 ENG2159 – Accents of English in the British Isles 10 ENG2162 – Contrastive and Learner Language Analysis 10 ENG2163 – World Englishes 10 ENG2165 – Old English: Language and History 10 ENG2166 – Middle English, introduction 10 ENG2167 – Linguistics and literature in English 10 ENG2168 – Words: English lexicology 10 ENG2301 – English Renaissance Literature 10 ENG2302 – Early 20th Century Literature in English 10 ENG2303 – British Literature in the Age of Enlightenment 10 ENG2304 – The Romantic Period 10 ENG2305 – The Victorian Period 10 ENG2307 – Late 20th Century Literature in English 10 ENG2321 – Colonial and Postcolonial Literature 10 ENG2323 – Women Writing: Feminist Fiction in English 10 ENG2324 – Homotextuality: Queer Literature in English 10 ENG2325 – The Short Story in English 10 ENG2326 – Fiction and Film 10 ENG2327 – Shakespeare 10 ENG2332 – Poetry in English 10 ENG2333 – Multicultural Literature in English 10 ENG2340 – Nineteenth-Century American Literature 10 ENG2500 – American History 10 ENG2501 – British Politics 10 ENG2502 – British History 10 ENG2503 – America and Britain in the World 10 ENG2504 – American Places 10 ENG2506 – American Popular Culture 10 ENG2507 – American Environmental History 10 ENG2532 – The Green American Tradition 10 ENG2534 – American Politics 10 EXPHIL03 – Examen Philosophicum 10 FIL1009 – Science and Democracy: Philosophical Perspectives 10 FIL2000 – Introduction to Philosophical Methodology 10 FIL2010 – Special Topics in Philosophy 10 FIL2104 – Philosophical Aesthetics 10 FIL2108 – The Philosophy of Psychology 10 FIL2109 – Major - Metaphysics 10 FIL2207 – Major - Philosophy of Action 10 FIL2209 – Theory of Knowledge 10 FIL2302 – Applied Ethics 10

2024-07-14 22:04:26

Это All levels, бакалавриат я вам ниже описала. Всего 4 стрёмненьких направления бесплатно и ещё 16 платно.

2024-07-14 22:18:41

устроит? https://www.bi.edu/programmes-and-individual-courses/bachelor-programmes/Data-Science-for-Business/

2024-07-14 22:30:53

Я про него вам выше написала. 3 программы бакалавриата от этой конкретной Школы бизнеса, которая сама себя неплохо хвалит. Плюс один бакалавриат, связанный с экономикой и ещё парочка грустных. Это и всё в итоге.

2024-07-14 22:45:02

FIL2309 – Philosophy of Religion 10 FIL2310 – Normative Ethics and Metaethics 10 FIL2311 – Political Philosophy 10 FIL2312 – Feminist Philosophy 10 FIL2403 – Philosophy of Language 10 FIL2405 – Philosophical Logic and the Philosophy of Mathematics 10 FIL2406 – Algorithmic thinking for humanities students 10 FIL2505 – Recent history of philosophy: Continental philosophy 10 FIL2506 – Recent History of Philosophy: The Heritage of Frege and Russell 10 FIL2701 – Major - History of Philosophy 1600-1800 10 FIL2702 – Major - Theoretical Philosophy from the Antiquity till 17th Century 10 FIL2703 – Major - Practical Philosophy up to 1600 10 FIL2900 – Major - Philosophy of Science 10 FYS-STK3155 – Applied Data Analysis and Machine Learning 10 FYS2160 – Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics 10 FYS2280 – Space Technology 5 FYS2810 – Undergraduate Research I 10 FYS2820 – Undergraduate Research II 20 FYS2830 – Undergraduate Research III 30 FYS3110 – Quantum Mechanics 10 FYS3120 – Classical Mechanics and Electrodynamics 10 FYS3140 – Mathematical Methods in Physics 10 FYS3150 – Computational Physics 10 FYS3220 – Linear Circuit Theory 10 FYS3231 – Sensors and Measurement Technology 10 FYS3240 – Data Acquisition and Control 10 FYS3260 – Microsystems and electronic packaging 10 FYS3280 – Semiconductor Components 10 FYS3400 – Condensed Matter Physics 10 FYS3500 – Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics 10 FYS3600 – Space Physics and Technology 10 FYS3700 – Biophysics and Medical Physics 10 GEO-AST3410 – Planetary Sciences 10 GEO2130 – Structural Geology 10 GEO2210 – Geomorphology 10 GEO2310 – Meteorology 10 GEO2320 – Oceanography 10 GEO2330 – Hydrology 10 GEO3032 – Climate Change and Impacts 10 GEO3034 – Geohazards 10 GEO3100 – Environmental Geology 10 GEO3211 – Petroleum Systems 10 GEO3240 – Seismic Interpretation 10 GEO3460 – Surveying, Photogrammetry and Spatial Analysis 10 GEO3512 – Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere 10 GEO3515 – Remote Sensing of the Earth surface 10 GRE2401 – Greek Epic Poetry 10 GRE2402 – Greek Non-Fiction Prose 10 GRE2404 – Greek Historiographers 10 GRE2405 – Greek Drama 10 GRE2410 – Greek Lyrical Poetry 10 HIS2112 – Imperium Romanum 10 HIS2118 – Rome and the Rise of Its Empire (509–31 BCE) 10 HIS2124 – The History of Early Medieval England (c. 400-1000) 10 HIS2125 – Power, Violence and Politics during the Viking Raids and the Hundred Years’ War

2024-07-14 22:04:26