

Nikita Skuratovich

#resume #cv #резюме #opentowork Position: Payment Support Specialist; PSP Manager Contract type: full-time; remote, office, relocation Location: Minsk Language: Russian(navite), German(B1), English(A2) My name is Nikita, I live in Belarus and I'm looking for a job, currently considering offers. More information about me in the CV. Ready to relocate.

2024-07-12 18:36:29

FxPro Careers

#vacancy #hiring #applynow Company: FxPro 🏆 Be a part of our expanding international team, with offices in Limassol, London, Monaco, Nassau, and Dubai. FxPro boasts a diverse workforce of over 300 employees representing 22 nationalities, making it an exciting and dynamic workplace. At FxPro, we see each team member as an integral part of our success story! Here are some hot remote open positions we currently have: Senior Node.js Developer (Middleware team) Middle QA engineer (Banking team) QA engineer 🏃 Hurry up to apply!

2024-07-12 14:35:45

Галина Marsa.team

#job #vacancy #ios #remote #developer Мы Marsa Team - команда профессионалов, специализирующихся на affiliate-маркетинге с 2020 года. Работаем с вертикалями iGaming и такими источниками трафика как Google Ads, Fb, InApp, ASO и др. С нами в 2024 году уже более 50 человек из разных уголков планеты, которые ежемесячно зарабатывают от 3000$, мы постоянно стремимся к росту и развитию, и сейчас ищем iOS разработчика в дополнение к нашей сильной команде. Мы предлагаем: - Удаленка (remote); - Дружный и профессиональный коллектив; - Покупка любых сервисов для работы; - Отсутствие бюрократии и свобода реализации твоих инициатив; - Конкурентная заработная плата. Обязанности: - Разработка и поддержка iOS приложений на Swift; - Работа с фреймворками SpriteKit и SceneKit; - Участие в проектировании архитектуры приложений; - Оптимизация и рефакторинг кода для повышения производительности и качества; - Тестирование и отладка приложений; - Взаимодействие с командой дизайнеров и разработчиков для реализации новых функций. Требования: - Опыт работы iOS разработчиком от 2 лет в iGaming; - Глубокие знания Swift и основных iOS фреймворков. - Опыт работы с SpriteKit и SceneKit; - Знание принципов ООП и паттернов проектирования; - Умение работать с системами контроля версий (Git); - Хорошие коммуникативные навыки и умение работать в команде. 📨Для отклика: @ros_marsa

2024-07-12 13:40:43


Status: #opentowork #CV Specialization: #SoftwareDeveloper English: upper-intermediate Work format: #remote #office #relocation Level: Intern/Junior ______________________ Hello i’m Dmytro, i’m looking for a job as Junior .NET Software Developer. telegram:@kaarstag

2024-07-12 13:19:48

он они

Status: #opentowork #CV Specialization: #iOS #developer English: B1 Location: #Poland Work format: #remote #office #hybrid Skills: • Swift: Proficient in writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code. • UIKit: Extensive experience with building and managing user interfaces. • MVC, MVP, MVVM: Practical experience with various architectural patterns. • OOP, SOLID: Strong grasp of Object-Oriented Programming and SOLID principles. • REST API, URLSession, Alamofire: Skilled in integrating RESTful APIs. • Git: Experienced in version control, including branching and merging. • CocoaPods, SPM: Proficient with dependency management tools. • Merge conflicts: Adept at resolving merge conflicts in Git. • Postman: Proficient in testing and debugging RESTful API endpoints. Hello! My name is Nikolay. I’m an iOS Developer passionate about creating high-quality, user-friendly mobile applications. I am open to remote, office, and hybrid work formats. Ready to bring my expertise to your team and contribute to successful project outcomes. Github: https://github.com/Akhmedau LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nikolay-ahmedov-86b619127/ Telegram: @JESUSYOUR email: [email protected]

2024-07-12 12:52:24


#resume #cv #резюме Должность: Head of #Product Локация: Испания ЗП: по договоренности Опыт: Product менеджер с 7-летним опытом работы, в том числе 5 лет в FinTech. Запускала продукты с нуля, работал как над мобильными, так и над веб-проектами. Обладает знаниями SQL, Google Analytics и Tableau. Опыт руководства кросс-функциональными и удаленными международными командами, работающими в разных часовых поясах. Контакты: @vkopotova

2024-07-12 12:51:53


#CV #itproductmanager #itprojectmanager #productmanager Hello! My name is Anna. I am searching for a Junior+/Middle Product Manager Position in Cyprus as my husband and me are moving to Limassol in the nearest future. Current location - Yerevan, Armenia. Relocation payments and assistance are NOT needed. Briefly about my experience: - 12 years in IT - 2 years in Product management - English - Advanced Other skills and work experience in CV I’ll be glad to chat with you if you have positions where my experience could be useful 😊

2024-07-12 11:46:46

Anna VentorTech

#Vacancy #VentorTech #EU #Poland #Georgia #QA #Qualityassurance #Test #middle VentorTech is looking for experienced QA Engineer with experience in ERP System Odoo. Needed: 2+ years of experience as a QA Engineer. Proficiency with Odoo ERP. Strong skills in testing functional requirements. In-depth knowledge of testing methodologies and types. Experience in testing integrations with external services, including APIs. English language proficiency at a B1 level or higher. Optional (but advantageous): Basic knowledge of SQL and experience in mobile testing. Familiarity with Jira and Confluence. Understanding of business processes in Logistics, Manufacturing, Warehouse, and Retail. We offer: 20 vacation days and 4 sick days per year; Compensation of medical insurance; Local transport compensation, if you’d like to attend the office in Warsaw; Compensation of home office setup, if you’d like to work remotely; Compensation of courses and trainings; You can apply, using this link: https://portal.ventor.tech/jobs/detail/qa-engineer-36 We are expanding our team, you can expand your potential with VentorTech ✨

2024-07-12 11:44:35

Anna VentorTech

#Vacancy #VentorTech #EU #Poland #Georgia #BA #Businessanalyst #senior #English VentorTech is looking for a Senior Business Analyst with experience in ERP Domain (Odoo). Needed: 5+ years experience as a Business Analyst working with the US/UE clients; Expert knowledge regarding Business Analysis (areas & techniques); Experience in automatization of Business Processes and knowledge of ERP System Odoo; Practical knowledge of techniques on how to run and moderate workshops; Level of spoken and written English B2+ and good organizational and communication skills. Optional (but advantageous): Understanding of business processes of purchasing, sales, warehouse, production; Experience in role of Lead BA on a project. We offer: 20 vacation days and 4 sick days per year; Compensation of medical insurance; Local transport compensation, if you’d like to attend the office in Warsaw; Compensation of home office setup, if you’d like to work remotely; Compensation of courses and trainings. Link to apply: https://portal.ventor.tech/jobs/detail/senior-business-analyst-30 We are expanding our team, you can expand your potential with VentorTech✨

2024-07-12 14:09:59


#vacancy #вакансия #finance Позиция: Junior Finance Manager Компания: Boomerang partners График: 5/2 Формат: офис Контакты: @sofia_karimova 👉🏻 Задачи: • Анализ и обработка большого объема данных для подготовки финансовой отчетности; • Управление и обновление финансовых моделей в Google Таблицах и Excel; • Ведение бюджета и контроль за его исполнением; • Взаимодействие с другими отделами для сбора и анализа финансовой информации; • Обеспечение точности и своевременности финансовых данных; • Участие в разработке и улучшении финансовых процессов и процедур. 👉🏻 Требования: • Высшее образование в области финансов, экономики или бухгалтерского учета; • Базовый опыт работы в сфере финансов или бухгалтерии (стажировки или начальные позиции); • Уверенное владение Google Таблицами и Excel; • Умение работать с большими объемами данных и их анализ; • Внимательность к деталям и аналитические способности; • Умение работать в команде и хорошие коммуникативные навыки; • Стремление к профессиональному росту и развитию. 👉🏻 Что мы предлагаем: • Классный офис в Лимассоле; • Гибкий график начала рабочего дня; • Дополнительные 2 выходных дня в месяц; • Компенсация обедов; • Расширенная ДМС для сотрудника и его членов семьи; • Официальное трудоустройство; • Фрукты, закуски в офисе; • Активная корпоративная жизнь; • Обучение за счет компании; • Корпоративный английский, стретчинг и футбол.

2024-07-12 11:41:10


#vacancy #intern #compliance Hello everyone, Freedom24 has a unique and rare opportunity for you to start a career in our Compliance Department, even if you have no prior experience. If you have recently graduated from university, are based in Cyprus, and are fluent in both English and Russian, please review the details and submit your CV here: https://freedomfinance.bamboohr.com/careers/155 Please note that this position offers long-term growth and development within the company; it is not a short-term internship 🎉

2024-07-12 11:18:39


#vacancy #personalassistant Требуется Персональный Ассистент Директору Что нужно делать: -следить за календарем руководителя -оформлять билеты/брони отелей для личных путешествий -выполнять личные поручения (отвезти/привезти машину на мойку и пр) Обязательно знание английского языка и наличие водительских прав Для CV и других деталей писать в ЛС

2024-07-12 11:19:02

Vadym Yuhas

#CV #ProjectManager #DeliveryManager Hello CY IT community! I'm looking for: Position: Project manager/Delivery manager Contract type: B2B, full-time Location: Slovakia Lang: English(B2), Ukrainian(Native), Russian(Native) Experienced IT Leader with entrepreneur background, 13+ years of experience in web development within the e-commerce domain • Pre-sales activities and project estimations • Project offers preparation and deals closing • Managed multiple distributed Scrum teams • Managed to build 50+ projects in e-commerce • Communication with clients and stakeholders • Creating internal regulations, processes and operations • Projects budgeting • Resource management • Project management • Leading delivery of all active projects (7-8 projects simultaneously) • Functional management for PM and QA departments • Performance review/Personal goals management • Managing of HR department, participating in the final interviews • Managing a team of 27 people Telegram: @VadymYuhas

2024-07-12 11:14:53

Анастасия Панкрашина

Вакансии на Кипр (Лимасол). Релокация на Кипр из других стран. #FreedomFinance #job #vacancy #вакансия #ищу #C++ #Cплюсплюс #PHP #senior #recruiter ✅Freedom Finance – это международный публичный холдинг, который специализируется на предоставлении инвестиционных услуг на мировых фондовых рынках ✅В наш офис в Лимасол требуются: 1. Разработчик C++ senior (до 7000 евро) 2. Разработчик PHP senior (до 5500 евро) + рекрутер (удаленно) на формат аутсорсинга, 800$ за выход каждого кандидата, с опытом подбора IT специалистов на Кипре ✅Требования: опыт работы от 5 лет с высоконагружными системами. Есть подробное описание позиций - пришлю по запросу. ✅Условия: работа в офисе, гибридный формат; официальный контракт; ежемесячный оплачиваемый 1 day-off, накапливаемый в течении года; возможность подключения к льготному ДМС; возможность обучения инвестированию в нашей компании и льготные условия по тарифам; хороший годовой бонус по результатам работы (1-5 окладов). Все вопросы, запрос на описание вакансий и резюме в личку: Анастасия Панкрашина; tg: @micsis; +7 (906) 076-67-70

2024-07-12 11:00:10

Турсынай Hr

#vacancy Всем привет! Международное рекрутингового агентства “Оmniverse” в поисках крутого Middle Seo специалиста**: https://telegra.ph/Middle-seo-specialist-05-2 в сферу iGaming! По всем вопросам писать @hrtursynai ЗП: индивидуально.

2024-07-12 10:50:45

Tatyana Khrustaleva

#vacancy #remote #fulltime Company: Cloudonix Position: Junior Frontend Developer (Angular 14+) Salary (USD): 1500-2500 USD Location: remote Cloudonix - a New York and Israel-based software-defined communications platform. ⚡️ Key responsibilities: - Design and develop high-performing and responsive web applications using Angular best practices. - Write clean and efficient JavaScript, SCSS, and HTML code. - Collaborate with backend developers and project managers to deliver quality software solutions. - Maintain existing applications and create new features. - Ensure code compliance with company standards. - Develop system configuration functions using a component-based architecture. - Perform troubleshooting, fix bugs, and develop reusable components. ⚡️ Technical requirements, must-have: - Practical knowledge of Angular 14+ and TypeScript with at least 1 year of professional experience (pet projects outside of school qualify). - Good understanding of UI/UX design principles. - Experience with REST APIs. - Strong knowledge of SASS, HTML, Web Components, and writing cross-browser compatible code. - Experience using JavaScript building tools like Yarn and Webpack. ⚡️ General requirements, soft skills: - Fluency in English. - Experience working in high-performance, strong cross-functional software development teams. - Passion for pushing code live every day is a given. - Ability to take ownership of a project from spec to commercial roll-out. - Excellent verbal and written communication skills. ⚡️ What we offer: — Full-time job (8 working hours per day, Monday-Friday). — Fully remote work. — A great chance to be mentored by the CTO. — Learn and grow in a dynamic and fast-paced environment with opportunities for ownership and impact. — Salary will be discussed during the interview. Paid in USD. contacts: [email protected], direct

2024-07-12 10:48:41

Headshoit Agency

#vacancy #igaming #limassol #CMO #marketing #gambling #betting Our client, an IT holding company specializing in products for online casinos and betting platforms, is looking for an experienced Marketing Director to help achieve the holding's ambitious goals. The holding includes numerous companies operating in both B2B and B2C markets, with a focus on traffic arbitrage. Key Responsibilities: Develop and implement comprehensive marketing plans to promote online casino products and arbitrage services. Coordinate the work of internal marketing teams and external agencies to achieve key performance indicators (KPIs). Effectively allocate and control the use of marketing budgets to maximize return on investment (ROI). Regularly monitor and analyze marketing campaign results to enhance their effectiveness. Create and implement strategic plans for the company's development in the online casino and arbitrage services sectors. Oversee key business processes, including product lines, marketing, and operations. Negotiate with partners and investors to ensure the company's financial stability and growth. Requirements: At least 3-5 years of experience as a CMO in the gambling industry or related sectors. In-depth knowledge of digital marketing, experience with CPA networks, and other affiliate marketing models. Deep understanding of international business and the ability to develop and implement strategic plans. Strong analytical skills and the ability to make strategic decisions based on data. Strong leadership qualities and the ability to motivate a team to achieve high results. Preferably based in Cyprus or within the Cyprus time zone (+/- 3 hours). Ideal Candidate: Ability to analyze large volumes of information and make informed decisions. Willingness to actively engage in work, including handling operational tasks in the initial stages. Team player who can motivate employees to achieve common goals. Interest in achieving high results and company growth without seeking public recognition and market fame. Proven success in previous roles. Fluency in English.

2024-07-12 10:17:27

Headshoit Agency

#vacancy #igaming #limassol #CLO #legal Our client, an IT holding company specializing in products for online casinos and betting platforms, is seeking an experienced Chief Legal Officer to help achieve the ambitious goals of the holding. Key Responsibilities: Overseeing the legal aspects of the company's activities in the gaming industry. Developing and implementing legal strategies that comply with international standards and regulations. Ensuring legal security and minimizing business risks. Providing support and consulting top management on all legal matters. Negotiating with partners and counterparties. Ensuring compliance with all applicable legislative and regulatory requirements. Managing the legal department and coordinating work with external consultants. Requirements: Experience working as a CLO in online casinos or similar fields. Deep knowledge of international law and gaming industry regulations. Experience in negotiations and consulting top management on legal matters. Knowledge of Cyprus legislation and regulations related to the gaming industry. Experience working with Cypriot governmental bodies and regulators. Excellent analytical and communication skills. Ability to work in a fast-paced environment and effectively manage multiple tasks simultaneously. Preferred: Deep understanding of the Cypriot legal system, including corporate, tax, and labor law. Knowledge of licensing procedures and gaming industry regulations in Cyprus. Experience interacting with the Cyprus Gaming Commission. Ability to draft and review legal documents in Greek and English. Knowledge of local judicial practices and experience working with local law firms.

2024-07-12 10:16:17

Headshoit Agency

#vacancy #igaming #limassol #psp #headofpsp Our client, an IT holding specializing in products for online casinos and betting platforms, encompasses numerous companies operating in both B2B and B2C markets, with a focus on traffic arbitration. Responsibilities: Manage operational aspects of payment systems in India for online casinos. Develop and implement growth strategies and optimize payment processes. Manage key partnerships and relationships with payment service providers. Ensure high levels of security and compliance with legal regulations. Research and integrate new PSPs, including understanding acquiring, P2P transactions, and advanced payment methods. Lead a team and develop innovative payment products. Analyze traffic and identify key players in the industry. Develop and implement effective solutions, considering product landscape specifics. Apply experience in high-risk payment environments, including working with P2P solutions and cryptocurrencies. Knowledge of KYC processes in the banking sector (preferred). Experience with cryptocurrencies and understanding of cryptocurrency exchanges. Understanding key aspects and needs of the gambling and betting market. Knowledge of current conditions (odds, etc.) in various geographical markets. Requirements: Experience in managing payment systems in India, preferably in the online casino sector. Deep knowledge of the Indian payment systems market and legislation. Proven track record in team management and developing growth strategies in payment technologies. Established base of payment solutions and successful partnerships.

2024-07-12 11:32:26

Headshoit Agency

#Vacancy #headofmarketing #marketing #igaming #gambling #betting Headshot is a dynamic recruitment agency that specializes in connecting talented individuals with their dream jobs. We pride ourselves on building strong relationships with our clients and candidates, and we are always striving to find the perfect match. We are looking for a Head of Marketing for iGaming company! 🎰 From you: • Knowledge of the affiliate sphere and its standards; • Minimum 2 years in a similar position; • Experience in conducting marketing research; • Experience in compiling SWOT analysis; • Experience in strategic planning. What to do: • Development and implementation of a marketing strategy to attract partners for the company and its brands in the market, taking into account the target audience (TA); • Establishment of a marketing and advertising department to execute the marketing strategy; • Creation of comprehensive marketing campaigns (online and offline) and analysis of their effectiveness; • Implementation of a digital strategy (organizing lead generation, contextual advertising, targeted advertising, SEO promotion, SMM); • Development of proprietary communication channels with the TA, including newsletters and digests; • Preparation of marketing materials, promotions, and solutions; • Modernization and development of the company’s website; • Interaction with contractors; • Analysis of competitors and market trends; • Development of loyalty programs and incentive actions; • Monitoring and analysis of the effectiveness of marketing budgets (ROI and DRR).

2024-07-12 10:04:59

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