Good morning. I have a question. As photographers or into photography, do you buy prints from other photographers? if Yes, what was the last print you bought? if No, why not? Really curious

2024-10-09 06:04:59


2024-10-09 10:49:42

здесь должен был быть медиа файл, но наш сервер не резиновый: MessageMediaUnsupported

2024-10-09 11:15:25

Nope. I don’t decorate my home, so I don’t need prints. I work with lots of images on my computer all day long, so I prefer to surround myself with a calm, neutral atmosphere without any bright spots. Empty white walls are perfect. ☺️

2024-10-09 12:02:32

I never bought prints from photographers, only books. The only thing was prints of little-known photographers on tourist trips, which were printed on postcards. The cost was symbolic. These were atmospheric and original pictures of the cities I visited.

2024-10-09 12:07:25