бля.... ДВА Сторителлера. Один никогда не может врать, второй никогда не может говорить правду.
Таунсфолк выбирает - к кому идти.
И там еще телега пояснительно текста, как это вести...
Таунсфолк выбирает - к кому идти.
И там еще телега пояснительно текста, как это вести...
2025-02-07 11:45:03
это тот же чувак, который придумал Veiled Threats - оригинальные "слепые котята"
2025-02-07 11:43:51
Один переворачивает утром жетон, а второй переворачивает обратно. Жив ты или мёртв - узнаешь после того как проголосуешь
2025-02-07 11:44:19
нет. Ты проснулся ночью и выбираешь СТ, который тебе покажет инфу.
2025-02-07 11:44:25
Бедный человек в гробу вращается, а вы стебетесь...
2025-02-07 12:33:47
Интересный сценарий, он только для фишера и саванта или вообще для всех? То есть просыпаеться математик и выбирает сторитейлера который покажет ему цифру?
2025-02-07 11:44:28
да, для всех
2025-02-07 11:44:40
Custom Fabled: The Knaves - There are 2 Storytellers. If a good player would be given any information they choose a Storyteller to consult. 1 can not lie, 1 can not tell the truth.
Custom Jinx: Mathematician / The Knaves - When the Mathematician wakes they will learn how many players received false information from the Storytellers as well as due to another character's ability. If they choose the Storyteller who can not tell the truth this number must be wrong.
How to run:
When setting up the game decide which Storyteller must always tell the truth and which Storyteller must always lie. Players are not told which is which. If a good player would be woken in the night to receive any information they are woken by both Storytellers and signaled to pick a Storyteller.
If any player chooses to act as if they are receiving information during the day they should privately approach both Storytellers to choose which one to receive their information from.
Players may only receive information from one Storyteller or the other, for each activation of their ability.
If they are a “Once per game” or “Start knowing” character they will receive their information from their choice of Storyteller.
If they are an “Each night” or “Each day” character they can choose a different Storyteller each time their ability activates.
Both Storytellers must always tell the truth about any mechanical or rules questions that are asked.
Interesting interactions:
Investigator: If the Investigator chooses to consult the Storyteller that can not tell the truth, they can either see 2 players that are not the Minion as a Minion character or else they could see a Minion and non Minion as a different Minion character.
Fisherman: A Fisherman’s advice is still subject to The Knaves fabled character and so could either be advice to help their team win or advice that will hurt their team.
Savant: The Savant will either learn 2 true or 2 false statements depending on which Storyteller they choose each day.
2025-02-07 11:45:08
На среду через пару неделек?
Я готова быть одним из двух)))
2025-02-07 12:31:51
2025-02-10 17:06:55
2025-02-10 17:07:32