NIGHT ONE: You reported waking in the middle of the night with the strongest premonition that either of your neighbors Astrid or Maja was a baron. DAY ONE: At the start of day, the town storyteller was found murdered in the town square. You accused either Astrid or Maja of being a baron and thus an accomplice to the crime. In response, Astrid claimed that she was a chambermaid who cleaned Liam and Maja's houses last night, and one of them was awake. Maja insisted that she was the one who woke, having learned information relating to a number. Liam insisted that he was the one who woke, also having learned information. Alma claimed that she had heard of nothing happening, having slept soundly. Noah thought it ridiculous that anyone could sleep through the night, also having learned information. Elsa claimed that she learned nothing overnight, but could get daytime information to help the ville. Given our current understanding of the case, two of these statements were incorrect. After deliberation on this point, you all agreed that this was pretty suspicious-sounding and after nominating Alma and placing her on the block in the middle of town square, put her to death at dusk. You all waited, hoping that evil would be exorcized from the town and the ghost of the storyteller, having been avenged, would tell you that good had won. No such thing happened. NIGHT TWO: You reported that you slept without disturbance. DAY TWO: You woke to find Maja's body next to the storyteller's in the town square. Another frenzy of discussion began. Astrid, in retaliation for your accusation yesterday, claimed she went through your house and Liam's house last night, refusing to disclose any information she had gained. You claimed that she wouldn't have seen you engage in any demonic activities, having not woken in the night. When you asked Liam if he woke last night, he claimed that he had woken to learn that one of his neighbors was evil. At this, Noah claimed that he found this ridiculous, having woken in the night to learn the same thing. Elsa claimed that as an artist who could commune with ghosts, she had asked the storyteller if from Night 1 to Night 2, everyone stayed who they were, and received a yes. Given our current understanding of the case, one of these statements was incorrect. You deliberated on this until dusk, and aware that Elsa would not be able to do anything else going forward if she was who she claimed, executed her. Night fell again. NIGHT THREE: You slept, again, without disturbance. DAY THREE: When you woke, Astrid's body had joined Maja's, Elsa's, and the storyteller's in the town square. You insisted that you had, again, slept soundly. Liam made the same claim he had yesterday—that the new information he had received in the night supported the fact that one of his neighbors was evil. Noah doubled down on his claim as well—that the new information he had received in the night supported the fact that one of his neighbors was evil. Given our current understanding of the case, one of these statements was incorrect. After discussion and presentation of evidence, you decided that Noah had a stronger claim, dragged Liam to the block, and put him to death. You waited, and waited, and eventually the atmosphere grew lighter, like a demonic presence was leaving the town. "Good has won," you could almost hear the old storyteller's voice. "Good job."

2024-04-21 17:02:59

а вопрос как точно звучит?

2024-04-21 17:59:36